Sweetwater Credit card and I.D Check

Thanks for everyones opinion. After hearing what Jeff and Jarkko had to say I emailed sweetwater through their support form on the website. This was my reply.

"Hello Joel,

Thank you for placing your order with us.

Jon Gillespie is indeed a sales engineer here at Sweetwater. While we don't always need additional information for credit card orders, in your case, the bank that issued your credit card does not provide name and address verification with merchants. In order to verify that the account number provided is associated with your name, and that the credit card is in your possession, we are requesting that you provide a copy of the credit card and photo ID. This information is typically only required for your first purchase with us, but is necessary to protect both the cardholder and the merchant from fraudulent transactions occurring.

If emailing or faxing this documentation to us is not convenient for you, we would also accept payment via Western Union or a bank wire transfer. Both of these payment methods are considered secure and would not require any additional documentation.

Incidentally, if you have a current ToonTrack installer CD that includes the SDX Metal installer, you can get both pieces of software you are looking at via electronic delivery and avoid any shipping charges. Jon can help you with that if you decide to go that route.

Please feel free to get in touch with any additional questions or concerns.

David Klausner
Sales Manager, Sweetwater
(800) 222-4700 ext 1213

The part about my bank not offering name details does almost sound right to me. Because my dumbass bank doesn't put your name on half of your cards and whenever I have needed to apply for something like a drivers license which requires several forms of I.D, I have needed a note from my bank claiming that I am the respective Card holder. They do it all the time.

so this leaves me confused as to what to do. I used their webform and received this email back so its gotta be legit?

maybe I'll ask if I can pay via paypal as I really don't want my info floating throughout the internet.
Definatley gunning for the paypal route.

real weird that my bank wouldn't give out that information. I guess that means every other company I purchase from just see's the numbers and goes "sweet were getting paid, fuck checking if its legit" haha
Thanks for everyone's concerns. glad I wasn't the only one feeling abit weird about all of this.

Just an update:
apparently the problem with paypal is that they also don't verify international transfers. Atleast you know sweetwater is dedicated to verifying your purchases.

so I have 3 options wire transfer,western union or sending photocopies. anyway I'll sort it out

thanks again guys.
Hi Sham,

Thanks again for placing your order with Sweetwater! Please be advised that the bank that issued your credit card does not provide name and address verification with merchants.

In order to verify that the account number provided is associated with your name and that the credit card is in your possession, we are requesting that you provide a copy of the credit card and photo ID. You may cover the middle digits of the credit card number for security purposes. This information is typically only required for your first purchase with us, but is necessary to protect both the cardholder and the merchant from fraudulent transactions.

If emailing or faxing this documentation to us is not convenient for you, we would also accept payment via Western Union or a bank wire transfer. Both of these payment methods are considered secure and would not require any additional documentation.

Aaron Regenold
Sales Engineer
Sweetwater Sound, Inc.
5501 U.S Highway 30 West
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46818
toll free:(800) 222-4700 x1672
Local: (260) 432-8176 x1672

Same here, scaryy huhu :/
Weird, I don't like that. I mean even if it is legit I wouldn't want that info being sent to them like that. I mean who knows how well their servers are protected etc.
It says you can cover the middle digits of the card (and a fraudulent person would need also the 3 digit security code from the back), Sweetwater is an awesome company that I've bought thousands of dollars of gear from over the years, and they've never done me wrong - companies like that have to follow all sorts of regulations for safeguarding personal information, I think you're in the clear :)
I understand being uncomfortable with it, but I also understand why a US based company needs to verify international orders. From their perspective they have a choice between putting you at risk, putting themselves at risk or simply not taking int. orders anymore.
PTC this is old and I never thought I'd see it bumped haha.

As mentioned earlier in the thread it was sorted out in the end and definitely was not a scam. An email to Sweetwater verified that and I only posted here to see if anyone else who has used Sweetwater thought about it.

I think the initial concern was warranted as we can never be too careful with the interwebs and money but Sweetwater have been great to deal with ever since and my sales rep is a good dude. Cheers. :popcorn:

Oh and I wasn't original told about being able to cover the middle numbers hence my concern.
Weird, I don't like that. I mean even if it is legit I wouldn't want that info being sent to them like that. I mean who knows how well their servers are protected etc.

Brief exposure to the obvious: *this is information they already have*. If their servers aren't safe, you're already hosed. Since you can block about half of the numbers that are needed to place an order, this is the security-concern equivalent of a fat person getting a haircut to lose weight.

I understand being uncomfortable with it, but I also understand why a US based company needs to verify international orders. From their perspective they have a choice between putting you at risk, putting themselves at risk or simply not taking int. orders anymore.

I don't know how the rankings are now, but for a while Malaysia was considered a hotspot for credit card fraud, and while other nations (the U.S. included, admittedly) have higher rankings they also have better mechanisms in place to de-screw the vendor if a credit card payment has been contested.

So far we've had someone suggest fax, another concerned about the security of a credit card image missing a great deal of information (being given to someone that *already has the credit card information*), and taking business elsewhere - presumably to a place that doesn't request this information to avoid credit card fraud, which must be goddamn safe as hell and never an approach used by people attempting fraudulent purchases. These things are not particularly-well-thought-out, and a call to the representative (which may not be standard practice on their end, considering that little thing with international calls not always being free of charge for either party) would have sorted them out immediately... in general, what the hell?
