swizzlenuts & Demilich radio show

I'm sure you would come off as your loving self in a real life situation, but here in the halls of RC you have been acting like a chode.

ie. Getting on Ken's arse, as well as a lot of colorful language directed towards wholesome co-boarders.
Will do! Unless I already have you on there and just forgot.

update re: radio show --
i may not actually be on it because i'm really shy about having people hear me talk on things like that
i may not actually be on it because i'm really shy about having people hear me talk on things like that

you son of a bitch *shakes fist*

So I guess I'll try to save this thing myself, I head out for class at 2 central (when this thing starts, eh?) and try to set it to record while I'm gone, if I can be assed to do such a thing.