swizzlenuts & Demilich radio show

The last time I requested anything it was LoDDoD (And Willy Bozarth actually ended up playing it.) I'm 2/2!
You asked to be banned, not banned from GMD. Just admit that you want to stop posting on the forum but you're too pathetic to be able to just stop.
Banned from GMD you idiot. Now get out of my ass.

I'll turn that perforated asshole in to a canoe if you don't leave this forum at once. Now don't get me wrong, this is not because you're a shit poster, but because you make me moist in the loins. I want to fucking grab you by your lopsided A cups and take a bite out of that quarter size cyst that holds residence on your backside. HMMM hmm, pass the Bosco, I smell a trickle of blood in the air.

Bend you over on and upside down bar stool and give you a rim job with a plastic fork. Once I'm done Arthur Spooning your black machismo, I'll tie a ribbon around the mother fucker and watch it sail the sevens seas until it eventually winds up in the Pacific Gyre. The ocean continent, which your disgusting vagina is a scaled down model for.

Hmmm hmmm, so good. So fucking finger licking good, my balls are being hammered by the testicular torrential down pour of a million and one little RIAs marching the country side towards the sea of milk . All taking turns, poking their heads out of the wii of Gilgamesh, to enjoy the sweet sweat aroma of Susperia snatch.

Swim little saplings! Swim to the mother ship!!!
