Sworn To A Great Divide - Soilwork


Indefinite Entity
Sep 27, 2006
Unsure and Inexact
The CD comes out October 19th/23rd but they are awesome and put the entire CD up for listening on their Myspace:


I haven't gone through the whole thing yet, and I will give it a few listens before I pass my judgement. So far I like it but there's nothing really new that they haven't done before. Still solid CD though, Soilwork fans will appreciate it anyways, but as I said, nothing really new.

I love Soilwork. :lol: And dude they are awesome live, I don't give a shit what anyone says. They are among one of the best live acts I've ever seen, and that is saying a lot.
On topic: I like this CD, just a bit disappointed they didn't really change anything to their style, this is just like their last album continued.
Ok, I'll do it!

Soilwork have a kickass album with "Natural Born Chaos", since then, they turned to shit. I can't stand them anymore, and without Wichers, they are nothing.

The new songs suck!
I wondered why it took you so long to defend one of your favorite bands, so I expected something like that :lol:

And live, they suck even more :p


:lol: Ok? If you're trying to provoke me, then you failed :p Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and if you have a shit one then that's allowed :D

For the record, in my opinion, they were one of the best live acts I've ever seen.
Me and the Soilwork guitarist are buddies, but they're not coming to Philly, I think they're playing Reading or something :erk::mad:

so I have to go to NY