Sworn To A Great Divide - Soilwork

the part that should be emphasized is the and thats saying a lot saying that your opinion is very valid since you have a lot of other expirience seeing other bands to base it off of, which you really don't. i'm not going to keep arguing with you but you haven't been to a lot of shows as much as you may want think you have, some of them are duplicates and you just haven't been going to shows for that long.

Right, my opinion isn't valid because I haven't been to as many shows as you. Seriously, I never said they were the ebst live act, far from it in fact, I jsut said I found them to be one of the best live acts I'VE EVER seen. So you're being retarded, because if you didn't enjoy them as much as I did, go see Celtic Frost again or something.

This is coming from the guy who argued with people who've been to Wacken (when you CLEARLY never had been) about what was the best part of the festival. You're also the guy who claims to have all these rare bootlegs yet you won't share with anyone. Nice, really nice. I mean I don't have anything against you personally but I think that is a douchey thing to do, WHATEVER your reasons are.

And... well buddy, while you're sitting at the back of the venue looking at the bands through the camera lens, I am on the gate, enjoying the LIVE experience as it was meant to be had.
Damn some of yous go to alot of shows , I've only been to 2 this year lol, But I guess most of the bands I like hardly go to Australia. (Got Arch Enemy, Machine Head, Behemoth, Maiden soon though!)

Any of you wear ear plugs? I'm honestly thinking of getting some because I'd hate to go deaf and not be able to listen to music anymore.

And yeah listening to the album now, it's not bad. But I kinda miss Peter's kick ass lead playing.

I don't wear ear plugs and I'm always at the front, something I should really start doing.
Right, my opinion isn't valid because I haven't been to as many shows as you. Seriously, I never said they were the ebst live act, far from it in fact, I jsut said I found them to be one of the best live acts I'VE EVER seen. So you're being retarded, because if you didn't enjoy them as much as I did, go see Celtic Frost again or something.

This is coming from the guy who argued with people who've been to Wacken (when you CLEARLY never had been) about what was the best part of the festival. You're also the guy who claims to have all these rare bootlegs yet you won't share with anyone. Nice, really nice. I mean I don't have anything against you personally but I think that is a douchey thing to do, WHATEVER your reasons are.

And... well buddy, while you're sitting at the back of the venue looking at the bands through the camera lens, I am on the gate, enjoying the LIVE experience as it was meant to be had.

how is this not getting across, in your post you said they were the best act you've seen and that THATS SAYING A LOT. that implies that you've seen a lot of shows so that the fact that they are the best you've seen really means they are a good live band since your opinion is so valid.

also, in regards to having bootlegs, if everyone shared thier bootlegs, then it would be possible to share. however, the only people who do are the people who don't have a lot and thus if you shared all your bootlegs, you'd have nothing rare to trade and thus your collection would stop growing since you'd have nothing to trade for new bootlegs.

another thing for the record is that i don't actually film since i don't have a camera and would be caught by security, however if you're so interested in having cob boots, since you claim to get into all those shows free which means you have some sort of connection, on one of the multiple times you seem cob on each tour if you filmed one and wanted to trade with me and then share all the bootlegs you get then by all means do so. however i doubt you would.
Jesus... how is this not getting across:

in your post you said they were the best act you've seen and that THATS SAYING A LOT.

They are among one of the best live acts I've ever seen, and that is saying a lot.

I never said they were the best live act. As you can CLEARLY see. Get your facts straight before you dedicate this much time arguing with me. Why do you insist upon picking fights? First it with was the Europeans in the Wacken thread, an argument which you had no idea what you were talking about and subsequently lost, and now it seems history is repeating itself. I mean I don't want to argue with you, but if you're gonna keep pushing the issue, AT LEAST get your facts straight.

that implies that you've seen a lot of shows so that the fact that they are the best you've seen really means they are a good live band since your opinion is so valid.

No, it implies that out of the great bands that I HAVE SEEN live, I found them IN MY OWN OPINION to have been one of the best and most enjoyable acts. I mean, you are saying I haven't seen many concerts, which I could give a shit less, but ask anyone and they will say it's a lot in that time period. Sure, you've seen more shows than me, but that's because I don't go to every concert there is just for the hell of it. I don't have money to waste seeing bands I kind of like. If you loved all the bands you've seen, good for you, if not, then hey, who cares it's your choice. I never said YOU had to love Soilwork live, so I don't see why you're going so nuts about this.

This thread is about listening to a new cd, not fucking up all your facts and running off at the mouth (or fingers in this case). Seriously.

also, in regards to having bootlegs, if everyone shared thier bootlegs, then it would be possible to share. however, the only people who do are the people who don't have a lot and thus if you shared all your bootlegs, you'd have nothing rare to trade and thus your collection would stop growing since you'd have nothing to trade for new bootlegs.

I've heard this before, it's bullshit. I don't care if you want to be a greedy hoarding person, but don't justify it with such a pathetic reason. You feel special making sure no other fans can enjoy a rare performance you have, go ahead. None of us are losing sleep over it, and you're just proving how low of a person you are.

another thing for the record is that i don't actually film since i don't have a camera and would be caught by security, however if you're so interested in having cob boots

I'm not interested, I was just making a point about the type of person you are. Btw, only a moron can't figure out how to get into a show with a camera. Seriously, it's a no-brainer, I do it ALL the time, I've brought my camera to EVERY show. I know people who bring in cam-corders as well.

since you claim to get into all those shows free
No, you're right I'm lying. I have nothing better to do than pretend I got into a show for free on the internet when actually I paid for it :rolleyes:

on one of the multiple times you seem cob on each tour if you filmed one and wanted to trade with me and then share all the bootlegs you get then by all means do so. however i doubt you would.

Newflash there buddy, I have filmed one bootleg I guess you could say, it was only one song but.... I left the gate to film the Mask of Sanity/Deadnight Warrior medley SPECIFICALLY FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE PEOPLE ON THIS FORUM (and to a lesser extent, all Bodom fans in general) and I simply posted it and didn't ask for FUCK ALL in return, jesus. I would film something so people who were unable to go to the show could see a cool rare song. Not so I could trade it to another greedy bastard online for some other show.

For fuck sakes. :Smug:
:lol: No, I'm bored and I don't mind proving this guy horribly wrong, he never comes to OT and the few times I have seen him venture here recently he's just starting big arguments in which he was wrong and others told him he was but he kept pushing the issue.
I've heard this before, it's bullshit. I don't care if you want to be a greedy hoarding person, but don't justify it with such a pathetic reason. You feel special making sure no other fans can enjoy a rare performance you have, go ahead. None of us are losing sleep over it, and you're just proving how low of a person you are.

I'm not interested, I was just making a point about the type of person you are. Btw, only a moron can't figure out how to get into a show with a camera. Seriously, it's a no-brainer, I do it ALL the time, I've brought my camera to EVERY show. I know people who bring in cam-corders as well.

Newflash there buddy, I have filmed one bootleg I guess you could say, it was only one song but.... I left the gate to film the Mask of Sanity/Deadnight Warrior medley SPECIFICALLY FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE PEOPLE ON THIS FORUM (and to a lesser extent, all Bodom fans in general) and I simply posted it and didn't ask for FUCK ALL in return, jesus. I would film something so people who were unable to go to the show could see a cool rare song. Not so I could trade it to another greedy bastard online for some other show.

For fuck sakes. :Smug:
i'm done with the soilwork part because i don't care enough about a shitty washed up band to keep arguming, but in regard to the bootlegs thing, i realize you can get cameras into some shows, but all the venues out here have intense security which will take your camera. not only that, but i don't even have a digital camera and definately don't have the money to go out and buy a camera just to get it taken away.

also i realize you're jealous i have a lot of shows but don't say shit like i just don't want people to have it, i trade with a lot of people and trade my entire list but i'm not going to spread something so much for free that it becomes rare and my collection stops growing just because people like you whine, thats happened before when people used to download avi and vcd gigs from me in soulseek so much that shows that didn't even exist in soulseek in that format were suddenly popping up everywhere and i couldn't trade until dvd trading came around.

also before you claim you're a generous guy giving out stuff on the board check out all the stuff i've posted in the live stuff thread. i've posted many single videos and if i remember correctly, even some full or partially full gigs that no one else had.

edit:hmm it looks as if the thread is gone but i do remember i uploaded sixpounder from wacken 2004, about 20 minutes i had of portugal 2003, milan 99, mask of sanity from chile 2001 and many others.
i'm done with the soilwork part because i don't care enough about a shitty washed up band to keep arguming, but in regard to the bootlegs thing, i realize you can get cameras into some shows, but all the venues out here have intense security which will take your camera. not only that, but i don't even have a digital camera and definately don't have the money to go out and buy a camera just to get it taken away.

also i realize you're jealous i have a lot of shows but don't say shit like i just don't want people to have it, i trade with a lot of people and trade my entire list but i'm not going to spread something so much for free that it becomes rare and my collection stops growing just because people like you whine, thats happened before when people used to download avi and vcd gigs from me in soulseek so much that shows that didn't even exist in soulseek in that format were suddenly popping up everywhere and i couldn't trade until dvd trading came around.

also before you claim you're a generous guy giving out stuff on the board check out all the stuff i've posted in the live stuff thread. i've posted many single videos and if i remember correctly, even some full or partially full gigs that no one else had.

edit:hmm it looks as if the thread is gone but i do remember i uploaded sixpounder from wacken 2004, about 20 minutes i had of portugal 2003, milan 99, mask of sanity from chile 2001 and many others.

You do realize this is the internet? No one cares about how many shows you've seen and what you realize in life! Can't you just try and have fun? :lol:

I really could give a shit less about bootlegs, my point was there ARE diehard fans out there who would love to see some of those shows but they have nothing to offer people like you in return so they're fucked and you just sit back on your hoarde and laugh.

Not really fair imo, even if you DID decide to throw people a few scraps.

EDIT: Postjump, also, Altitudes aka Mick, a LOT of people think you are me :lol: They think that I have some fake account I use and it's you :erk:
EDIT: Postjump, also, Altitudes aka Mick, a LOT of people think you are me :lol: They think that I have some fake account I use and it's you :erk:

WTF? Even you thought I was fake :lol: You must be pretty knowledgeable about guitar too? :lol: This is gonna lead to people requesting pictures :p

You must feel honored that people compare me to you :lol:

I really could give a shit less about bootlegs, my point was there ARE diehard fans out there who would love to see some of those shows but they have nothing to offer people like you in return so they're fucked and you just sit back on your hoarde and laugh.

Not really fair imo, even if you DID decide to throw people a few scraps.

EDIT: Postjump, also, Altitudes aka Mick, a LOT of people think you are me :lol: They think that I have some fake account I use and it's you :erk:

yes and its completely fair that i'm a diehard fan and even though no one handed stuff to me, i should hand out what i get. that makes a lot of sense. anyways i'm done arguing, enjoy your terrible new album.
yes and its completely fair that i'm a diehard fan and even though no one handed stuff to me, i should hand out what i get.

That makes PERFECT sense dickhead, god. You'd think since you had to go through so much trouble because of other dickheads not sharing, you'd make it easier for everyone else when infact you're only perpetuating the cycle.

As if you just said that :lol: