Sworn to a Great Divide


Just got done listening to the new Soilwork record... I have mixed feelings. It's acessible more mainstream, yet heavy at times, but what sets them apart from the rest of the contemporay bands out there right now? Sadly they have gone the way of In Flames, much like how we lost Metallica...
I'm not saying that Soilwork will get that kind of success, but they will sell more records just not to long-time fans. I had this album sitting on a stack od review discs for weeks, not seeing it until last night and bringing it to work to listen to it. It's nothing I couldn't live without hearing again...
I feel fucked because I bought this...
I'll concede that some of their more recent tunes are pretty well-done for what they are, even though I've never been a fan of Soilwork from any era. My point was that they've been headed that way for a while now. But if they just now crossed what you personally consider the threshold into total cocksuckery, then yeah I guess that sucks. Or something.