Sydney Gig - Predrinks


as active as a shadow
Sep 9, 2005
Anyone keen on a few drinks before the Sydney gig, my mate & I will be at the Greenwood from around 4:30pm (liver permitting...) on the Tuesday afternoon. Everyone's welcome of course, just drop in for a few before we head to the gig... I know a lot of you read this so come & have a beer or whatever.

See you there o_O
I'll be getting to the Big Top early. Not sure what time but probably somewhere in the afternoon. So if anyone sees a guy in a Blackwater Park shirt. Come and say g'day!
probably my silver logo'd opeth shirt, which is fairly trademark of me, but also because itll be my only shirt that is clean because i have/will be wearing the others in melbourne. if anyone wants to see what i look like , especially for you yoda, you seem to know your 'peth.
I'm sure I'll be sitting in the cue talking to randoms anyway haha. Always seems to happen at these gigs.
NineFeetUnderground said:
do all of you always plan your "outfits" in advance for gigs? and do you always wear a shirt of the band youre SEEING that day??

I Usually say it if people are willing to meet up. So they recognise who i am instead of shouting ' Affinityband!! who's Afffinity BANNND?!!!'
Excuse us Joey, we forgot about the whole 'uncool wearing an Opeth shirt to an Opeth show' rule.

What shirt Ikil? 4 designated shirt-wearers so far, haha.
Silent Paragon, consider me in on the whole talking to randoms thing, I'm headed to the line by myself, so I don't have a choice!
Well, you're welcome to come hang out with us if you want dude. We are random enough haha. I will be wearing my Blackwater Park shirt Yoda. As mentioned above.
affinityband said:
I Usually say it if people are willing to meet up. So they recognise who i am instead of shouting ' Affinityband!! who's Afffinity BANNND?!!!'

'Yeah dude, I'll be the guy in the Opeth shirt... yeah'
'Yeah cool, that narrows it down to about 95%'

I think unless people know each other from pics at the very least, that's next to no chance anyone's gonna recognise anyone.
if i have the shirt of the band im going to see then ill wear that, otherwise whatever.

however, planning what you are wearing makes it a bit easier to find someone when you are looking for a particular person in a sea of others.