Sympathy to victims and famlies


Prince of Peace
Jul 19, 2001
If there are any Russians on this forum my heart
goes out to you.
For the hostage-takers to shoot small children in the back
as they are trying to flea and to keep water food and
using the bathroom away from them just shows how
brutal and non-human these terrorist really are.
I am not a very religous man but my prayers and thoughts
go out to all involved.

Sorry if this is a bummer thread.
I dont really want to think about it, we live in a very sick fucked up world. What happened in Russia really upset me, my heart also goes out to them.
Thank you guys... we really appreciate that. I don't know what to say except for that. My heart is just tearing apart... Why doing that? Why killing kids and women... just helpless kids and helpless women... I'd kill those ass holes with my bare hands. There is just no exuse for what they've done...
yes, i was planning to go to russia in the following months, but now i dont know if i should... it seems to be just way too dangerous
that, and those other people killed in moscow in the metro
I just heard on tv that there may be over 300 casualties, most of them children. My sympathies go out to the people involved.
This is ideal for the eye for an eye philosophy. I'm usually a peaceful person, but I cannot justify killing innocent women and children. I see no punishment fit for them other than death.
fuck that, kill every fucking terrorist there is, if they don't care about life then why do they live?
killing innocent woman and children, actually innocent people in general is just god damn wrong, pretty soon the whole world is going to be like this, and that's a scarey thought, i really hope it wont come to this,
fuck the terrorists!!!! they don't deserve to live if they don't give 2 shits about life, I wouldn't mind being handed a fucking gun and going out and killing some terrorist fucks.

lol sorry i had a few drinks, it makes me get very defensive especialy with world issues

and yeah my thoughts and prayers go to all the Russians especialy the ones that were affected by this act of sick minded terrorists.
what has happened is a travesty, and a vile hammer to the face of all that is honorable in mankind. i swear if i ever a person who supported any type of terrorism i would show them just what true revenge feels like. their is absolutley no reason to harm decent human being - let INNOCENT alone women and children! my thoughts and prayers (also not religious (my ethos)
can anyone give anymore information on what has happened, the media here has shown more compassion towards kobe than russia (whenever i turned on the news) so the last i heard was ~100 casualties and 300 wounded, and up above someone said 300 dead; please tell me their is not that many children dead.
Seraphim Belial said:
what has happened is a travesty, and a vile hammer to the face of all that is honorable in mankind. i swear if i ever a person who supported any type of terrorism i would show them just what true revenge feels like. their is absolutley no reason to harm decent human being - let INNOCENT alone women and children! my thoughts and prayers (also not religious (my ethos)
can anyone give anymore information on what has happened, the media here has shown more compassion towards kobe than russia (whenever i turned on the news) so the last i heard was ~100 casualties and 300 wounded, and up above someone said 300 dead; please tell me their is not that many children dead.

The last i heard was 302 people dead and 155 of them were children...i'm trying not to think about it.
Opus(sy) said:
The last i heard was 302 people dead and 155 of them were children...i'm trying not to think about it.

350 dead
540 wounded
423 remain hospitalized
Oh, and 30 hostage-takers dead, 2 missing.

What did I hear about their religon where they mourn for
40 days and then take up arms and take revenge?
Sounds like more bloodshed to come.
2Koich... Shut up. Russians were never killing innocent people. Russia never invaded any country in the world. Don't tell me about Afganistan. After we left the country it was just wiped out by talibans. I am not gonna discuss any idiotic think western TV shows to you all. I sit in Holland for 5 years and what I see and hear is just lie after lie after lie after lie. No truth at all. Just bulshit and stupid propaganda. It all looks like there are two USSR in the world instead of one before.
I am soon to go back to Russia and I swear I'll start doing something for people in Europe to be able to know the truth... but until now it looks like they feel really comfortable with what they know...
338 dead... half of them are kids... but that's not the final number. Some newspapers say the total number of killed can increase up to 600... and it has nothing to do with Chechens half of the hostage takers are arabs... there are blacks too...
Somebody just needs this region to be unstable... if I only meet this somebody...
Sonm said:
2Koich... Shut up. Russians were never killing innocent people.

Russia has one of the worst human rights records in the world. Are you saying everyone Stalin has killed were guilty?

Were all the estimated 10,000 Chechens guilty too?

Sonm said:
. Russia never invaded any country in the world.

Except for Poland, China, Czechoslovakia, Finland.

Actually, Russia have attempted to invade almost every neighbouring country in the past 200 years.

Sonm said:
I am not gonna discuss any idiotic think western TV shows to you all. I sit in Holland for 5 years and what I see and hear is just lie after lie after lie after lie. No truth at all. Just bulshit and stupid propaganda.
Have you ever stopped to think, that what the news reports in Russia tell you is wrong?

These people are pissed off at something, Russia is obviously not the land of rainbows,smiles and fluffy bunnies you seem to think it is.
Well when it comes to taking the lives of young innocent children, politics are out, my condoleances go out to all who were affected by this incident, lets hope it doesn't happen again.
Soulburner said:
it tries to fix that there was no such thing as "human rights" there...

With heavy artillery?

Soulburner said:
That's pretty far from true... Lots of innocent people in Chechnya were killed in last decade, that's true... It was during anti-terrorist campaigns, which were done in very stupid and unprofessional way (and that's part of the reason why Russia has this terrorism problem now). But about "last century", you're definitely wrong. The thing with human rights in Chechnya is that current Russian government tries to fix what Chechen leaders (most of the - criminals) done to that land in past 20 years - it tries to fix that there was no such thing as "human rights" there...

P.S. And about Stalin - his regime killed way less Chechens than Russians or Jews...
The Bolsheviks also killed a fuckload of Chechens.

Im regards to Stalin, I was referring to people in general, not just Chechens. I do realise who is target audience is.
Do you realise how many locals were killed in Australia when England turned it to a island jail? Or maybe you have forgotten abou 90 million of indians in America? Or people in India and Africa? What about Gulf Wars and Yugoslavia? What about Japan? Shall I continue? Vietnam, Korea, Egypt, you want more? I can tell ya a lot of things... bu I don't want...
I don't want to discuss all this shit, because that's not my business. But remember, you know NOTHING about Russia except for the things you got from stupid propaganda... You should go there, and live there for 10 years like I did to get aware of Europe and then judge.... but what you're saying here is so far from what is going on...

Actually, Russia have attempted to invade almost every neighbouring country in the past 200 years.
That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard...

Russia has one of the worst human rights records in the world.

Ask any russian - you'll get a burst of laugh. And the answer is trivial. What you call freedom is called being dead alive in Russia. You don't understand what we call freedom so don't apply any western rule to our country. That's a wrong way to go. Especially now when innocent kids and women died because of terror scum...
Just to toss out my personal opinion (which I hope doesn't backfire into an argument), all persons participating in terrorist activities, or members proven to be of terrorist factions (whether or not they've gotten around to killing someone yet) should be stripped of all moral human rights and excecuted.

Yes, it's a voilent solution.
Yes, it sounds like a witch hunt.

But last I heard, they don't have a "Diplomacy 101" course in terrorist training facilities. They're trained to kill, plain and simple, and take their own lives as well if it adds a few more innocent casualties. They're taught two things: Mass Murder and Chaos. Those are two things that cannot be stopped by any type of peacefull means.

As far as cease-fires or shit like that, I would never make such a proposal to a terrorist faction, nor would I so much as listen to one from them. Honor is something terrorists do NOT posess.

I don't consider myself a really violent person, I have no desire to harm others over political, religious, (etc.) reasons, but if by some small chance I happened to cross the path of a terrorist someday, whether engaging in a terrorist activity at the time or not, I'd happily execute them with a big fuckin smile on my face.

On a side note (I can't believe I'm going into a lengthy poilitical post...), without naming names, FUCK any of the countries who have refused to take action against terrorism without valid cause. It will hit your country too someday, extremists will always be around, it's just a matter of time. And when that day comes, call up President BasilisK and ask for foreign aid. I'm looking forward to reminding you of the day your "allies" needed your help and you stuck your noses in the air, then telling you to go fuck your mother, deal with it yourself.

mmmmmkay I'm done ranting now :)