Just like to send sympathy to all in the U.S.A.


Mr X


For anyone who is caught up in the gross situation in America at the momment, I would just like to send my thoughts and sympathy to ones who have lost loved ones.And i would like to take this time to say to all who are out there giving a hand in clearing up that mess and doing a damn good job at trying to find surviors.If there is one SAXON song a would like to dedicate then it would be We are strong (DESTINY).
Best wishs,
MR X From the U.K.

couldent of put it better myself Mr X i feel the same way
and saxons song We are strong is the perfect song for the usa at this time well said thoughts and sympathy
to all the people in the usa from Ian in the UK

Thanks guys! This whole thing has been indescribable. Ya know? I live near DC and was 5 minutes from going down there to pick up a couple of laptops for repair. My buddy was on his cell phone at the time and said,

I guess the novel I had just typed didn't quite make it on the web page. Must have been too long!

thank you again for the kind words gentlemen."Crusader" is another song that comes to my mind at this time... Thanks again,guys. "We Will Remember".

Living in the UK one feels so helpless. I have a couple of good friends from the States and it pains me to see their grief. I wish there was something positive that we could all do. As it is we only have words, if only we could find the magic ones to take away all the pain. Terrorism like this makes me ashamed of my fellow men/women. My thoughts are with everyone who has relatives and friends lost in this sorry act of terrorism. Shame on the believers of this, hopefully they will pay the price until then, one day at a time.