Symphonic black?

Vox Stellarum

Apr 30, 2003
I just heard Death Cult Armeggadon - i had been putting it of cos i thought it would be like every other dimmu album ( I wasnt a big fan of their old stuff i liked only mourning palace and spellbound ) - and fuck.. that album kicks ass!!

I love that symphonic/melodic black metal feel.... can anyone suggest bands with that kind of feel... I've already tried Limbonic Art, and i liked In Abhorrence Dementia, but wasnt impressed by Ultimate death worship...


Check these bands out:

...and Oceans (first two albums and split with Bloodthorn only)\
Sad Legend
Grand Alchemist
Sword of Darkness
Vesania - Firefrost Arcanum
Kvist - For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike
Gehenna - Seen Through The Veil Of Darkness (The Second Spell)
Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse
Old Man's Child - In Defiance Of Existence
Alghazanth - Osiris: Typhon Unmasked
Abigor - Orkblut: The Retaliation
Arcturus - Aspera Hiems Symfonia
Enslaved - Vikingligr Veldi
Misteltein - Divine. Desecrate. Complete.
Summoning - Lugburz
Tidfall - Circular Supremacy

These should get you started. If you're feeling particularly adventurous, check out Nokturnal Mortum's brand new album; "Weltanschauung". Highly recommended.
Vox Stellarum said:
I've already tried Limbonic Art, and i liked In Abhorrence Dementia, but wasnt impressed by Ultimate death worship...
Check out Moon in the Scorpio, it's their best release.
Emperor - Anthems to the Welking at Dusk
Arthemesia - Deus-Iratus
Borknagar - any of their more recent releases
Obtained Enslavement - Soulblight
I don't understand how one could possibly prefer Deathcult Armageddon to Dimmu's older albums... :err: but whatever.

These might interest you:

Agathodaimon - Chapter III
Dissection - Somberlain
Sirius - Aeons of Magick

but also listen to:

Oathean - anything.
Ulver - Nattens Madrigal
Windir - Arntor
Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice
Arckanum - Kostogher
all of Old Man's Child albums and all of Emperor's albums... and if you love Death Cult then you will definetly love Dimmu's Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropic album... that one was much better then Death Cult...

Christie_fell said:
I don't understand how one could possibly prefer Deathcult Armageddon to Dimmu's older albums... :err: but whatever.

These might interest you:

Agathodaimon - Chapter III
Dissection - Somberlain

There are some old dimmu songs that i really like, e.g. Mourning palace, spellbound, arcane lifeforce .... but thats abt it...their old stuff was a lot less melodic.. like master of disharmony(i was surprised to find that it actualy had a solo... the solo was actually quite good...easy but good..)

I had already heard agathodaimon, ...i'm a big fan... i'll check out dissection... i heard the song somberlain, and i liked it, so i think i'll get the rest of that album...

Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
all of Old Man's Child albums and all of Emperor's albums... and if you love Death Cult then you will definetly love Dimmu's Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropic album... that one was much better then Death Cult...

I tried Puritanical, and that album was really good(not as good as death cult though imo)... some of the songs are really good... and then u have stuff like puritania... what the hell is that! it sounds like some electronica, especially with that crappy processing done to his voice.. anyway i loved Kings of carnival creation and symposium....

I'm not much of an emperor fan... its not all that melodic, and the production pretty much sucks...

Thanx for the help...

AsModEe said:
Ahah, why do you talk about yourself like that? Do you feel special or something? :cool:

I hate what most would call 'symphonic black', so when somebody namedrops a 'symphonic black' band that I like it warrants a shout along the lines of 'stop the presses!'
AsModEe said:
does it absolutely have to be melodic for you to like it?
yeah pretty much..i dont like that brutal stuff... i like stuff like borknagar also... whats that..avant-garde black metal? ... i'm open to try new stuff though.. i'm just getting the feel for black metal so maybe i should start of with more 'mellow' stuff... here are the bands i've heard so far and liked:

Dimmu Borgir
Limbonic Art
Agathodaimon (is it black metal..?)
Summoning (i love summoning)
Diabolical Masquerade
Abyssos (i loved Fhinstanian Nightbreed)
and oceans
cryptic wintermoon
The kovenant (\m/nexus polaris...!!\m/ not their new shit)

i've tried emperor and immortal but i didnt enjoy it much... predominantly cause the production sucks, and i think i've heard the wrong albums... people tell me that Sons of northern darkness is the best immortal album and one of the best black metal albums ever made .. so maybe i should listen to that....
Their actual old stuff is quite melodic. 'Stormblast' and 'For All Tid' are what's actually considered their "old stuff." I have 'Stormblast.' And I'll stress to get into the Emperor. It's quite excellent. The production isn't bad on 'In The Nightside Eclipse' either.....but if you want the crystal clear production, check out Emperial Live Ceremony.

Try some songs from these albums, just to throw out some things. They're not all black metal.

Arcturus - Aspera Hiems Symfonia/Constellation
Arcturus - The Sham Mirrors
Tvangeste - Firestorm
Naglfar - Sheol
Solefald - Pills Against The Ageless Ills
Opera IX - The Black Opera
Troll - Drep De Kristne
You need to give Emperor more time. The live songs do sound a bit cleaner. Try the live versions of Thus Spake the Nightspirit and I am the Black Wizards. Sons of Northern Darkness is above average at best. The first three and the last track are the only good ones. There's nothing symphonic about them. I'm not all that familiar with older Immortal.