Symphonic Dark Power Metal -How's this mix sounding?

Cheers guys for the kind words. Unfortunately I don't think the band would be comfortable with me giving out the raw tracks so sorry about that.
I've made a key number of improvements on the mix and would say it's about 98% to where I want it. It was good fun trying to get everything to sit somewhere audible and not ugly or melding into other tracks etc *mumbles mumbles*.

I'll post something up when I consider it almost completed!
haha guitars sound pretty Ermz-ish ;D

I think the vocals could still sit better, and they are way to loud for the level of performance.
I'm not sure if you'll ever get them so sit right tho, could just be the all the repairwork on them that holds it back.

Instrumental mix sounds really good though!
Damn it Mago! That was NOT the aim... Now I'm going to have to reamp them again and get some more highs into them haha. Nah that's cool.. Ermz warned me before I started this project that it would be surgical city with the guitars, and it has been.
Thanks for the compliments on the mix overall, though honestly, apart from getting some levels right/ automation, I can't for the life of me think how to get those vocals to sit any better.

Got any suggestions dude?
Great sounding mix so far!
For the vocals I recommend to go again through the tuning as there are still some out of tune passages, and try to align the main vocals with the backing vocals better, because they end at different times and have their plosives (P/S/F) not aligned and make it sound a bit messy.
Cheers dude! I won't lie.. this is the FIRST time I've ever done this kind of music before, so there's a good chance I've missed it here and there. I'll go over it, thanks dude :)
haha, no, no need to reamp again, guitars sit fine I think ;)

for the vocals try aligning them a bit more, as pitoga said, and also try to eq them so they sit a bit better....try dipping the himids a bit, maybe 2-3k or something like that. also
ditch some of the highs, the "s" stick out a bit too much.
backing vocals sit fine, eqing suggestions refer to the lead vocals!
haha, I was kidding about the guitars, just saying that I don't generally aim for Ermz' styled guitar tones haha. Thanks for the EQ suggestions on the lead vox. I kinda felt that way about them, but not enough to commit or bother. But I have, and it's made enough difference :)
The advice Mago gave about the vocal EQ was spot on! Robs voice has massive amounts of those frequencies to the point where you kind of feel bad for taking so much of it out. You've really got them sitting nicely now :)

I'm not sure if I'm feeling the epicly loud orchestra though. Is that a band push or something you can still work on?
Vocals should do the job were they tracked? Just to know where the limits are of how far one could push them, processingwise?
Also since there's no spot in that clip without backing vocals I'm not sure if they will work on there own. Along with the backings they sit ok now I think.

+1 on the orchestra, I also think it's really loud. But I'm not familiar with that kind of metal, so maybe it has to be that way.

Solo needs some work still, that's true.

But again man, the instruments sit along really nice, and the general vibe of the mix totally fits the music!
Cheers for the comments guys. Actually, the vocals sit quite well alone Mago, so I'm pretty happy. Yep, the solo needs work so I can deal with that....
The synth loudness was a request actually, and it never really bothered me to be honest... but maybe dropping them down a hair might just do the trick to balance it out just that little bit more :)

@Nuno - Actually, I'm really happy with how the guitars sit in the mix, they are more of a supportive role overall. Pretty much in the sense that they wanted a Rhapsody mix focused on Vocals/ Synth.. But much heavier and less clicky power metal :P
Yeah the guitars sound quite good and they fit the mix, they are buried sometimes but it´s normal because mixing guitars with orchestrations it´s always a pain in the ass and not all the shit can shine in the mix. Still a lot better than the relation bewteen guitars and orchestrations in last Nightwish album. The guitars hurt my ears so badly!lol
Cheers Dan. It's been good fun there's no doubt and so I look forward to wrapping it up and it sounding good. The guys are beyond happy with it as it stands, so it's more about ME being happy with it before it leaves the studio haha.
Nuno. Well that's it really. I haven't had enough experience with this music to know it well enough, but even then, I do LISTEN to a lot of power metal and even some of the bigger guys have mixes where the guitars don't always stand out etc, so I'm pretty happy even now with where it all sits :)

Yeah :\ that's a Nightwish thing... Digital guitars for most of the albums from what I hear, never very pleasing at all.