
Jun 23, 2006

The band is A Cold Sleep. Album is being released in April. Check it out and let me know what you think of the material/mix. Thanks!

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The guitars are a little too loud in this mix. Also, try distorting the high end of the kick (from 3k to 5k) so it isn't so harsh. The toms sound freaking awesome! Samples or real drums?
thanks. i agree i need to make the guitars less prominent for this mix. I want to make them less harsh but not too dark if possible. I also want to add more "body" to the female vocals. What is the best way to do this?
This updated version definetly sound better, but when the female vocals come in, the OHs seem a little too loud. About the body of the vocals, just use a harmonic exciter on the 5k region and send them to a delay bus, where you low pass them at about 2.5-3k.
Also a note on the drums: the transients hit a little too loud, I'd use some tape saturation on them, but not too much.