Symphonicish Deathcoreish close-to-final mix (Vocals, Guitar, Drums, Bass, Keyboard)


New Metal Member
Dec 9, 2010
Hey forum!

I'm getting very close to finishing the mix for the first demo of one of my bands, got together with the vocalist today to lay down the vocals, and it's coming together pretty good.

I just kind of hit a wall tough, I have no idea where to go from here, but when comparing to other profesionally mixed/produced songs the mix still lacks some punch. Would be cool if you guys could give me some pointers.

Sehnheiser E-635

Double-Tracked (dropped two tracks due to muddiness)
ESP LTD M200-FM -> Stock pickups -> ENGL Powerball
Ibanez something -> EMG -> ENGL Powerball

Drum, bass and keyboard done on computer.

Old Muddier Mix MP3
Better Mix MP3
Even Better Mix MP3
No offense man, but the mix is very, very muddy, at least to me.
I would look into multibanding those guitars, possibly a master buss multiband + EQ.
No offense taken, thanks for the tip (: I experimented a bit with the mix to find the source of this muddyness (I feel silly for not spotting it), the problem seemed to be the quad-tracking with 4 different sounds. Somehow those 2 extra guitars (Especially the 6505+ track) made the guitars sound muddy, so I just narrowed down to a left and right rhythm guitar, sounds a lot "clearer" to me. On a side note I would have no idea how I would go about fixing muddy guitars using multiband compressor, or using anything else for that matter.

I added a link to the new mix in my first post. It's already a step more in the right direction. It still feels a bit "lacking" tough, I just have no idea where.
Hooray, I edited out the plosives. I think I've pretty much got them all. Time to order a plop-filter-thingie tough, that wasn't really that much fun.

Vocals sound rather "thin" tough, any advise on making them "bigger"? Thanks for the help so far!