Symphony Fucking X!!!!!!!!


New Metal Member
Oct 4, 2002
I saw'em last night.:heh:

Well, the first band was travelling war (I think). They looked like a bunch of old balding fags, seriously. They had some of the oddest topics for their songs (fast cars, ugly chicks) which were far from appealing. The drummer was cool to listen to, he simply hammered the skins relentlessly (lost his drum stick too, hehe). The singer had a style of singing (halfordish angriness) which would have been really good if it werent for the poor lyrics.Guitar and bass was nothing too impressive.The songs were rockish type metal, kinda in the vain of an angry hair metal band.

Seven Witches blew me away.They have a great thrashy-type metal vibe and played tight throughout the set.Nice riffs and excellent vocals, the man had really good range and a fantastic shriek.It was also cool watching the bassist do some wierd thing with his neck.The drumming was nothing too impressive, slow-tempo average rock drumming.These guys definitely convinced me to further explore their music.

Symphony X was fucking incredible.Nothing more to add really. Russel had control of the audience and was very captivating.The band as a whole was very energetic and pleasing.Russell kept complaining about his voice being shit due to a cold, which I found to be no major loss.The entire band played very well and gave me the best performance I'd ever seen.Their set was very lengthy and included a bunch of classics.The Accolades, probably being my favorite.I was really surprised to see them play a song by request (Eyes of Medusa) ...even if Romeo forgot the solo, hehe.Of Sins and Shadows, Church Of The Machine...great.Plus, the guitar/bass stand off, very SEXellent.

Best part is, Russell said they may come back when the weather is warmer, like in the summertime.


Seriously, if these guys ever come to your hometown, check it out, you'll have a blast.I didnt headbang or mosh at all, I wanted to absorb as much Symphony X as I could.
yeah man, I've never gotten around to checking out Seven Witches, but I've heard good things so I may go to this show when it comes around this week.

but Jack Frost is the man, as well as Joey Vera, so I have assumed they're killer.

hmm, I'm gonna see who the vocalist is...

whoa... James Rivera?? from Helstar/Destiny's End?
He's got great vox, I'm guessin' its the same guy
hell yess

he has such an awesome range and fantastic control over his voice, ESPECIALLY live.

if you get the chance man, GO, sell your car for many.......JUST GO!!!!!
wow, with that recommendation I'll have to go!

I've seen Destiny's End live, so I know what the man can do!

and maybe this will get me to like Symphony X.. heh

ok, so... I'll go see 'em thursday ...
Yes, do it......for the penguin...
Some SX songs for ya to enjoy

Eyes of Medusa
Of Sins and Shadows
Divine Wings Of Tradegy
Accolade II
Unleash the fire
Church Of The Machine
In The Dragons Den
Damnation Game
Sea of Lies

Seriously, it's all good, especially albums like, damnation game, DIVINE WINGS OF TRADEGY, V, and the Oddysey
head to the sperm bank and sell your love nectar to get some cash and TRAVEL to a show pilgrim man!!!
29th of march!! i will see Symphony x again!!
Man, symphony x is pure magic!!
I can't waaaaaaaaaiiitttt!!!!

"today i've seen, the shallow face i weaheaaar...
inside this shell, a living hell enduuuures"

Hell yeah!!
Rullo rulez!! :headbang:
I'm curious if i'll leave empty-handed this year!! haha!
Two years ago, he brought a drumstick, in person, to me..
i think he saw me air-drumming along!!
every break is in my head then!!
and i love to communicate with the bandmembers that way, it's fun!
Ok, just a little more...and it'll be party-time!!

xxx Iris xxx
i agree with that one, Azal!!
They sure do!!
It's pure magic!
I'm high, even after two days...
i get stuck in the moment..and hate to let go!
It feels so good!!
Ok, live performances are always good, but Symphony x has a special vibe!!

xxx Iris xxx
SYMPHONY X!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn, I wish I could see them live. I have their live cd, and it's amazing, I can't even imagine what it would be like to see them live.
N/P: Ayreon-Tower of Hope
Symphony X does own. I saw them at WWE world and it was simply amazing. Unfortunately they were on before Blind Guardian (who blew major major cock). The only got about 45 minutes but rocked the whole time. I would have gone see them live this friday, but i have a lot to do this week...bullshit...I didnt know they were playing :wah: Then of course there is always the problem of gettin a ride.
FUck you bitch Guardian fucking own.

I do agree about one thing, they didn't seem very happy to be in North America.I've seen concerts from other european countries where they would run and jump and give a great show, when I saw them...they came on and looked like "eh, lets just get this shit over with". But after about halfway through the set, they saw we knew the songs and they began to get a bit happier.
I THINK they were supposed to play at the metal fest that day, but chose canada BECAUSE WE ARE THAT COOL.