Symphony X Albums UNAVAILABLE in the UK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Metal Member
Aug 26, 2002
UK, South.
The only place that I can hope to find Symphony X albums available for purchase with a debit card in the uk is, as it is the only uk online store accepting Solo, and there is NO chance of finding Symphony X in our crap music stores. Here is what has to offer:

V - 1 to 2 weeks, £15.99 (pricy but at least available)
DWOT - Special order, £12.99 (in other words, unavailable)
Live - 3 to 5 weeks, £17.99 (very expensive, the 3 to 5 week ones never show up.)
Sym X - Special order, £22.99 (extortionate price, unavailable)
Damnation Game - "we are currently unable to offer this"
TIO - "we are currently unable to offer this"

What the hell can I do with such a pathetic list of possible purchases? I already have V and DWOT, but I may need to replace DWOT due to damage, and I at least want Damnation Game and Twilight In Olympus. Out of those shown above, only V is sure to show up; the special order or "we cant offer.." ones have NO chance of showing up, and the 3 to 5 weeks one is highly unlikely to show up, as I tried some items of that time availability before and they failed to ever arrive.

Are ever going to reailse that Symphony X are an up and coming band that have a large number of fans? Well if they do it'll probably take them geological time to make an effort to make the albums more available. At this rate, preordering The Odyssey may not be an option. (BTW, are a superb store; it's just this Symphony X thing that anoys me, but amazon are still by far the best online shop IMO).
You know, I never understood posts where people complain they cant get CD's or find them at an ok price. Have you ever tried ? I live in the USA, and easily find any CD's I need from various countrys whether it be Japan, Sweden, Finland, Europe, or what have you. Your using a mainstream store to find metal specialty CD's. Ebay has everything but even if you dont want to try that, (which is crazy) than heres a few CD stores that specialize in METAL.
er.... are you sure?

My local HMV (Guildford) has The Damnation Game and Live on the Edge of Forever in stock and they can easily order V and The Damnation Game. The only ones you won't be able to pick up easily are Twilight in Olympus (the distributor is out of stock so not even Amazon could get me a copy. I ended up getting it from Germany), Symphony X (actually it might be possible. I picked it up from France) and Prelude to the Millennium which wasn't released over here (I think).

Oh and I got LOTEOF from Amazon when it came out very easily and the reason I got into Symphony X was because I just happened to see V in HMV one day when I was taking back a Steve Vai album (after realising I hate Steve Vai) and picked it up because I'd heard good things about them on Mike Portnoy's forum and also the cover looked like Spock's Beard's V :)
Hey DrumRman,

Ebay is a pretty good resource for finding music but not everyone who sells stuff on it is entirely reliable. I personally have been very lucky with the quality of merchandise I've acquired from it but Ebay is a bit of a lucky dip really concerning quality and delivery time.

My girlfriend had to threaten this dude from Germany before he sent me my Sonata Arctica "Wolf & Raven" single even though she had paid it for months ago!
Originally posted by Dangerman
Hey DrumRman,

Ebay is a pretty good resource for finding music but not everyone who sells stuff on it is entirely reliable. I personally have been very lucky with the quality of merchandise I've acquired from it but Ebay is a bit of a lucky dip really concerning quality and delivery time.

All I know is I have been using eBay for 3 years now, and have been ripped off once. How many CD's have I bought? Close to 150 on there.
I actually got all my SX CDs from HMV in Manchester, didn't have to order either, so sure you'll be able to get them from somewhere nearby..

Even the local Trafford Centre HMV sells Damnation Game, Live.. and V....and it's a small store!!
Those are some encouraging feedbacks, (lol), about large music stores having Symphony X in stock. I haven't been in a big music store like a HMV superstore for years, and I assumed that they sold only top 100 CDs etc, but I suppose they are generally better than I assumed. Perusing shelves of s-club7 and honeyz etc could be disturbing, but Symphony X are worth it. I just hope I don't find, (like I assumed), that I get to the Sw.. Sx.. Sy section and find a band called, "Syndicate" or "Symphony classics" or something. BTW, a hitherto undisclosed part of my music collection is a Metallica (hate them) tribute called "Metallica - The very black album - an industrial tribute". The album can't be described with the limited frequencies available to the human ear, but if you look for adjectives similar to "dreadful" in a thesaurus, it may help you if you ever need to warn someone not to buy it.

You reckon you'd find SX albums in any section including SClub7 - you only find stuff in the section labelled shit music, ie 'Pop'.

HMV stores have a dedicated Metal section look there!!!
Whats gonna be the ultimate test is trying to get The Odyssey in the UK.
Just count yourself lucky all you other UK folk that live in England, north of the border i would jump for joy if i saw a single Symphony X album in a store..
Gee, have you fellow Brits ever heard of music by mail companies. You can get all their albums from GFT (0208 339 9965) in 2-3 days depending on how busy they are. Just give your card details to Malcolm who will send off the stuff. They specialise in prog rock/metal. Very highly recommended!

Other good ones are Destiny Records (01489 603549) who sell classic rock/prog metal but are limited compared to GFT.

If you're looking for any music whatsoever then check out CDX (02920 843604). They don't specilaise but can get nearly everything.

Now please don't complain about not being able to find any decent music!!
Well, I picked up Divine Wings plus Damnation Game from Tower Records in London a couple of years back. I'm sure they would've stocked up abit. Funny tho, the titles weren't kept in the metal section. When I was paying for it at the counter, another customer popped up and asked me where I found the SymX discs. Unfortunately for him, I grabbed the last few copies ;)
The Big HMV stores in central London do stock the most recent SX releases. I even managed to get The Damnation Game from there 3 or 4 years ago. However, for decent prices I do tend to get most of my new releases from the USA or France.

There are a good number of UK mail order specialists who now stock SX - just read the ads in Powerplay, Classic Rock magazine etc.