Symphony X needs to give credit to composers when they copy their music (mozart etc)!


A Heart of Gold
Aug 2, 2002
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i could never understand why syphony x doesn't give credit where its due...
like why could they not include in the liner notes info like "this track based on Mozart's requiem" or "part II of the divine wings of tragedy is based on Mars by Holst."?
i don't think its plagiarism at all that they have used older classical music in some parts of their songs, but i think it is quite unproffessional not to give credit and mention where they get EACH piece would they feel if people started rippping their music and not giving credit? just because mozart is dead and can't sue it doesn't mean that its ok

WHY is it unproffessional? well i have seen SX get a lot of flak for their "plagiarising of composers"... every discussion i have had about symphony x, if someone ever was criticizing it was about just takes a lot from the credibility of a band the first time you find out something likkke this. it also makes me wonder...just how much of their music has been taken from classical pieces that i haven't heard before? as far as my knowledge of classical music goes, it could be all of it! what i'm trying to say is there are so many pieces out there that they could easily take something from an obscure one and try to pass it as their own even if some things we have noticed are more obvious...

if they would step up and give credit where it is due we would know how much of the music is actually theirs and how much isn't

i am a big fan of symphony x and i don't think any worse of them because of this, but i still think they shouldn't exclude such information from the liner notes...

what do you think?

has the band ever said anything in defense?
Where did this outburst come from? Look around, there are a few other threads identical to this, stop taking up space. I'm sure their intentions aren't to steal music because they are too lazy to write it, but if you are heavily influenced by classical music, similar things are bound to appear in the music.
Yeah, I agree to some extent. I am just curious as to what some of their riffs are based on, and it would be helpful if they mentioned some of their influences, so I can check the stuff out, if I already don't recognize it.
hey no reason to be a WHO THE FK ARE YOU MAN?

i don't think it was their intention to "steal" it either...

but it is obvious that they knew what they were doing when they put it in their wasn't like it was just in the back of their mind they definitely knew where it came from when they were writing the songs...

i am not accusing them of stealing or saying they are BAAAD for doing this...

i am saying that they SHOULD give credit and if they want to be a little bit cooler about stuff that is what they would start doing.
Whoa whoa calm down man. I was just saying that if there's already two other identical threads theres no reason to make another one... You must get offended very easily if you think I was being a prick :rolleyes:
Yeah, this is a waste, and HAS been discussed in the near past.

Who are they gonna thank? Last I heard Mozart was dead. When it comes down to it, any classical music buff that recognizes the similarity, or sameness should just accept it at face value. What is the name of the band you are here celebrating? Was it Symphony X by chance?
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well then i am glad you were not TRYING to be a prick..

but that was a very cocky response like..."go read some other thread you newbie...i don't want to read your drivel"

i'll check those threads out..but i'm not like an expert of bulletin boards to know that there are already 2 threads "identical"

i'll check out the "identical" threads, i bet they were by flamers who think SX is crap

anyway the point is...there is infinite space and i like to take up as much as i can
what are you going to do about it any way?
The_Accolade said:
Symphony X needs to give credit to composers when they copy their music (mozart etc)!

i could never understand why syphony x doesn't give credit where its due...

They aren't required to cite their classical sources because of a little thing called PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Gosh, where have I seen this thread before...? o_O

This is getting annoying already. Those bastards from the Dream Theater board keep bitching about it and now we have a couple of threads about it here. Why don't you guys ask Michael Romeo why he didn't give credit to the composers? In any case, I don't think it's necessary to give credit to every single piece on his work, afterall, classical music is a big influence on Romeo.

my 2 cents.
I'd like to give credit to my parents and all those in the genealogical chain from Adam and Eve down to me, for the DNA copies that transmitted much of their genetic makeup to me. Phew! Gotta get that disclaimer in there before somebody gets worried about my conception being JUST PLAIN THE WAY IT WORKS!

I won't get deeply into the whole intertextuality, allusion, blah, blah, blah thing again, but you're not going to find much great art of ANY kind that doesn't have clear connections with previous works. By creating those connections, it brings into the newer work the world, message, atmosphere, whatever, of the older work, without repeating that older work in its entirety.

It only works for those who are familiar with the older works, but often that is the specific audience for whom the newer work has been made. Those who don't know the older works can enjoy the music, story, poem, etc., for what it is on one level, and those who know the older works can enjoy it on additional levels.

On one hand, it would be CONVENIENT to have citations for everything, but on the other hand, for example, not everybody likes a book that has half of every page filled with footnotes. If you don't already know the information in the footnotes, they can be nice to have, but if you already know the stuff, then they're just annoying.
dito and shit. In my own less communicable skills. I hope Romeo makes a whole record of classical influences, it doesn't bother me in the least. Actually it's great cause he will never run out of ideas. They will bang out an album every year.
Jessie Bannon said:
hehe... thanks!

But I guess I'd better give credit to fantasy artist LUIS ROYO before I get flamed! :hotjump:


That's Royo, eh? Hmm... yeah, the colors are definitely Royo but I couldn't tell at first without the rest of the picture. Nice choice, by the way.
yikes! i can tell i am hitting a sensitive nerve here on the SX board

it really pisses me off though because I write songs and i would really like to get credit if people ever use my ideas. and it also pisses me off because whenever i discover that one of my riffs has been done before i abandon it completely. even after seeing that everyone approves of it on this thread, i will still abandon those riffs cause of my own pride. public domain or no...

i think its whack that everybody is such a smart ass to me just because i am putting a controversial topic in the open

the only person who didn't talk to me like i was an ignorant fool trying to make trouble was on another thread they said:
Yngvai X


Joined: Jul 2002
Location: Long Island, NY
Quote: Originally Posted by The_Accolade
i don't think it is "sad' or "wrong"

but i can't understand why they would not give credit where it is seems like the honorable thing to do

i have a strong sense of HOnor so that is what i would do if i was borrowing stuff from here and there..just so nobody could "catch me redhanded" or whatever
Its not about being "caught redhanded" its about the fact that the music is public one owns it. No one can sue for using or performing classical music, its free for the public to use as they wish. This is why SyX doesn't the stuff in their liners, they arent required to. And when I asked Romeo why he didnt list the stuff like Lacrimosa in the V liners he said "well, EVERYONES heard the Lacrimosa." So theres an answer. :p

he basically said the same thing as everyone here but a lot more believable there was no impatience in his tone, nor was it crammed to the brim full of Blind Devotion

i mean...i don't see what the problem is if its been discussed before

i recommend getting high to all of would be a more likeable person