Symphony X tapping?


Jun 27, 2004
i'm trying to learn songs like sea of lies and of sins and shadows but what really gets me is the tapping. whenever i move my fingers off the strings i get a lot of excess noise and i was wondeirng how exactly i can make it so there is no noise of the open string? i've tried doing it slowly but it really just doesn't seem to help enough. if anyone could give me any tips or help i'd really appreciate it.
well, i always use my palm/wrist to cover up the strings that im not playing, and mute them.

you really jsut have to mess around with it and find what muting style suits you best.
All you have to do is start slowly. There's no shortcut. And if there is please tell me too.
well, you have to mute the strings with your grab-hand, so now you probably immediately pull your finger of the strings, thats why there is a sound.
You have to train this a while but you need to stop pressing on the string, so you mute the string, then release it.
That might be easy slow but fast kind of hard to achieve
Start by putting the amp on clean and practicing tapping lines and master them..
Then turn the gain to around 9 - 11 o clock and practice them there.. start off with a low gain sound and get them so that you dont hear the excess noise when you are tapping.. keep your right palm on the strings you are not hitting.. then when you can play them without the noise.. turn the gain up and practice them there..
Keep doing this till you have the gain full and cant hear any noise
Palm mute and sometimes you can bend up the string that you don't want with the finger that's holding down the note you're playing. that'll make you less likely to strike it.
Sean Casey said:
Palm mute and sometimes you can bend up the string that you don't want with the finger that's holding down the note you're playing. that'll make you less likely to strike it.

Thats no good. We're talking about symphony x stuff here. Its always fast. What you're saying would work slow, but really there is absolutely no point at all.... ever.
when playing tapped arps and stuff where you move your finger off the strings like you said which makes noise, but also the vibration of the strings that your playing on vibrate the ones your not(playing on) to make more noise. Well instead of muting every string with your hands, someone told me to tie a sock around the neck...which works though its kind of impractical, but! a hair tie which someone else showed me was way more practical and it does work and you can leave on the strings and slide it back just as easily hope that made sense cuz im also kinda drunk at 3:30am
Yeah thats why michael angelo invented string dampeners. They're like capo's. He used them on his 4 neck X guitar cos he often did 2 hands 2 neck tapping. The only downfall of using this is that open strings dont really work, but when you're pro u dont need them neway.
Eternal Dragon said:
Yeah thats why michael angelo invented string dampeners. They're like capo's. He used them on his 4 neck X guitar cos he often did 2 hands 2 neck tapping. The only downfall of using this is that open strings dont really work, but when you're pro u dont need them neway.

no need for open strings when you're a pro? I hope that was sarcasm

otherwise.....:lol: :rolleyes: