SymX in Chicago, night 2

The Metal Chick

In the Dragon's Den
Mar 31, 2003
Chicago, IL
So they changed the set a bit, and in a good way I think.

Communion and the Oracle
Sea of Lies
Of Sins an Shadows

It was kick ass. I got to be front row this time, which is the only way to see a SymX show, imo. Turned out that all the SymX fans were up front and we were loud as hell. Even Russ was like, "wow you're louder than last night!" Awakenings sounded much better tonight, and overall the set was heavy as hell. I think some of the older QR fans were like o_O but oh well. The guys loved all of us screaming up front. Doesn't matter that I paid a small fortune for the ticket and didn't even stay for QR...I got my money's worth :)

Russ even gave me his water bottle! :D
That looks like a better set - am I the only one who's not that big on CoTM? I'm jealous, since it was obviously a lot of fun.

Sucks that they're only gonna play the songs everyone likes/knows on this tour, and newer stuff, since they only have an opening slot. I'm praying for the day I see "The Damnation Game" on a setlist. :)
urinalcakemix said:
Smoke and What?

Smoke and MIRRORS.



and I always thought Church of the Machine was one of their best live songs ever.

Is it just me or does it seem like SymX is falling into too much of a predictable pattern as far as setlists go? I mean of course they're playing all good songs, but I think it'd be nice to see some variation, they've had pretty much the same set ever since the "mini" US tour, although it was VERY nice to see them do Out of the Ashes, but even that didnt make it to the full US tour set.

Their next tour I'd really like to see them dust some of these tracks off:

The Damnation Game
Dressed to Kill
A Fools Paradise
The Turning

Keep in mind Im not bitching or anything, just making some humble suggestions :)
They adapted this setlist to go with the band they're on tour with..not the time to be judging it, as they're trying to work well with QR. Save your judgments for when they tour for the new cd.
Yngvai X said:

and I always thought Church of the Machine was one of their best live songs ever.

Is it just me or does it seem like SymX is falling into too much of a predictable pattern as far as setlists go? I mean of course they're playing all good songs, but I think it'd be nice to see some variation, they've had pretty much the same set ever since the "mini" US tour, although it was VERY nice to see them do Out of the Ashes, but even that didnt make it to the full US tour set.

Their next tour I'd really like to see them dust some of these tracks off:

The Damnation Game
Dressed to Kill
A Fools Paradise
The Turning

Keep in mind Im not bitching or anything, just making some humble suggestions :)
Thank you for posting my dream setlist - those are like my favorite SX songs and they never get played on the tours. And they'd be AWESOME live!

Don't worry about our complaining, Lady. We understand that since they're touring with QR they had to use their time accordingly.
CotM is a good song, but I'm glad they took it out. I enjoyed the heavier set. I gotta say though, in my experience last night, SymX was a million times heavier than any QR tunes are, which is why when I looked behind me, all the QR fans weren't even moving to the music. Not like I care... I loved it :) But that's just what I saw.
I'll be happy with either Chicago setlist at the NJ show. I'm a huge fan of CotM. It's one of my favs from them, and Demonspell's right, TiO must not be overlooked!
I really enjoyed both sets and I think both nights went over very well. My impression was actually that a lot of the QR fans were really into it. Quite a few people asked me about SX after they noticed I was familiar with the music. I think they impressed a lot of people. I'm sure SX is a little heavy for some QR fans, particularly those who are more into Empire. But QR was pretty heavy when they started and I think some of their fans are really looking for something new.
So SymphonyX that second night in Chicago kicked ass. Yeah, they tend to play a lot of those songs a lot, but they kick ass in concert. There just needed to be more SX fans there. All the QR fans just kinda sat there and stared. However, I was talking to a lot of the QR fans before the show, and they said they had been very impressed with SX at previous shows so that's always good. BTW i was next to you Metal Chick. I wanted that water bottle!!!!!!!! It's cool though, it would have smacked me in the head if he would have thrown it at me cuz i was looking at Lepond at that point in time. Rock on SX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I was down a couple from Weston, yelling way past the point of losing my voice. Symphony X has kept up a performance level other bands can only dream of, and that's why you will all see me again very soon... hopefully...
Weston427 said:
BTW i was next to you Metal Chick. I wanted that water bottle!!!!!!!! It's cool though, it would have smacked me in the head if he would have thrown it at me cuz i was looking at Lepond at that point in time. Rock on SX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:lol: the bottle is MINE! ;) I thought it was so cool that a bunch of us SymX fans were crammed up front. Hardcore, man! :headbang:

LOL @ Tate's crotch grabbing. It was hard not to laugh.