Synced my ADA8000 to my 2626 HELP NEEDED (cubase related problem)


I are Joe
Nov 2, 2009
Wales, United Kingdom
So I've hooked up my ADA8000 to my 2626 for some more ins and I've got a band in tomorrow (should've really looked at this earlier) and soundwise there is no problem everything is working, however... from channels 3-8 on my profire and all inputs (line and Mic) on the ADA800 the signal is not coming through.

Well the signal is coming through but is not showing up in cubase so I can't tell how loud things are going through and it's like recording in the dark. The signals show up fine on the profire mixer but the cubase one shows no signal input bar, although if i record something the audio is there just no audio being shown on the inputs level bar.

Im almost positive that it's the routing but I don't know how to fix it :(
Like i said channels 1 and 2 DISPLAY SIGNAL, the rest dont.

Pictures will be up soon...



As you can see the signal is clearly there on channel 9 of the profire mixer


Routing, see any problems?


more routing....


cubase routing, any problems? EDIT: ive circled this because this is the first inputs of the behringer ADA8000


Here you can see the audio that was recorded, no input signal was displayed but there is clearly audio information there.
I'm no cubase expert. But maybe you have to add input busses on the bit where you've circled stuff? As you don't have any busses assigned for ADAT in's 11-16
Can you show the audio mixer?

In Cubase from that interface (Project Window) you have to have monitor on to see the input level. Well really post fader output level.

On the Mixer window (F3), make sure you don't have the input faders hidden and you can scroll or slide the divider to make it larger.

Sorry if you have already tried this...

What is weird is that it isn't showing up on your Profire Interface. On my MOTU at least, I have to have the input set to a working output and make sure that I unmute the signal to see the meters. The meter is post fader, which is sort of a PITA, but whatever.
ok, NOW we're getting somewhere, I opened up the mixer windown and sure enough I was seeing signal on there, just not on the master fader for some reason, so the problem is still not fully resolved

@Trevoire, those are the input busses, I think Aortizjr nailed it!


edit: I just need to get the input signal being displayed on 'audio 1'