
Dhatura said:
Have you heard that women living in the same household for years and years synchronize their periods so that they have it at about the same time?

yeah, that's true of work situations too. Supposedly men get a kind of period too, where they're moody, eat loads and their skin goes terrible :)
Dhatura said:
Yeah, I've noticed periodical craziness in men too, and they don't even have the pretext of the moon for that. They do it all by themselves.
ah the moon is hollow. we dont need a placebo nor a physical excuse to be crazy or grumpy, we're self-providing :)
try mars, they say it has water

oh and errr, don't forget yer purse...
hahahaha this was quite confusing yet remotely interesting then introduce something about having the painters in and it all goes to pot.

I wouldnt live on mars the red planet wouldnt compliment my skintone

Bill Strangelight there!

which reminds me, I farking lourve this...

A man's got a heart, hasn't he? :tickled:
Joking apart -- hasn't he? :confused:
And tho' I'd be the first one to say that I wasn't a saint...

I'm finding it hard to be really as black as they paint...

I'm reviewing the situation
Can a fellow be a villain all his life?
All the trials and tribulations!
Better settle down and get myself a wife.
And a wife would cook and sew for me,
And come for me, and go for me,
The fingers, she will wag at me.
The money whe will take me.
A misery, she'll make from me... :tickled:

...I think I'd better thing it out again!

A wife you can keep, anyway
I'd rather sleep, anyway.
Left without anyone in the world,
And I'm starting from now
So "how to win friends and to influence people"
--So how?

I'm reviewing the situation,
I must quickly look up ev'ryone I know.
Titled people -- with a station --
Who can help me make a real impressive show!
I will own a suite at Claridges,
And run a fleet of carriages,
And wave at all the duchesses
With friendliness, as much as is
Befitting of my new estate...

"Good morrow to you, magistrate!" Oh gawd!

...I think I'd better think it out again.

So where shall I go -- somebody?
Who do I know? Nobody!
All my dearest companions
Have always been villains and thieves... :erk:
So at my time of life
I should start turning over new leaves...?

I'm reviewing the situation.
If you want to eat -- you've got to earn a bob!
Is it such a humiliation
For a robber to perform an honest job?
So a job I'm getting, possibly,
I wonder who my boss'll be?
I wonder if he'll take to me...?
What bonuses he'l make to me...?
I'll start at eight and finish late,
At normal rate, and all..but wait!

...I think I'd better think it out again.

What happens when I'm seventy?
Must come a time...seventy.
When you're old, and it's cold
And who cares if you live or you die,
Your one consolation's the money
You may have put by...

I'm reviewing the situation.
I'm a bad 'un and a bad 'un I shall stay! :)
You'll be seeing no transformation,
But it's wrong to be a rogue in ev'ry way.

I don't want nobody hurt for me,
Or made to do the dirt for me.
This rotten life is not for me.
It's getting far too hot for me.
Don't want no one to rob for me.
But who will find a job for me,
There is no in between for me
But who will change the scene for me?

...I think I'd better think it out again!

Hey! :D
Dhatura said:
Have you heard that women living in the same household for years and years synchronize their periods so that they have it at about the same time?
would this count for forums too :)
they say the one who gets them first then is dominant to the other :lol:
Dhatura said:
Have you heard that women living in the same household for years and years synchronize their periods so that they have it at about the same time?
holy hesus if I had to live in a house like that being the only male :ill:

every month i'd be teared to shreads by an army of bleeding women on a rampage :yell:
Alwin said:
in yet other words:

Jung's idea on synchronicity can be summarized (from his paper of the name found in paragraph 984 of his Collected works). Jung says that sychronicity is:

1.A coincidence of a psychic state with a simultaneous, objective external event.

2.A coincidence of a psychic state with external event simultaneous in time, but spatially removed.

3.A coincidence of a psychic state with an external event distant in time.
i think what other people think a lot of the time, and say what they are about to say at the same time a lot. it happens too much. like be thinking of something random and off topic and then two of us say them at the same time... any relation to this or am i just a retard?