
StevenK said:
i think what other people think a lot of the time, and say what they are about to say at the same time a lot. it happens too much. like be thinking of something random and off topic and then two of us say them at the same time... any relation to this or am i just a retard?
this is not synchronicity, you're just not very original :tickled:
Strangelight said:
Women need to go back to basics. Thats the problem these days.
tell me about it. id burn a few shirts and knock up some scrambled eggs if i didnt have to get off my arse and work.
provided i wasnt married to a wifebeatingjuice swilling ogar.
isnt that the only thing u can cook potter? apart from that chicken thing that time that was almost edible.

Im quite domesticated. But I dont like cleaning
bleed_black_orchid said:
isnt that the only thing u can cook potter? apart from that chicken thing that time that was almost edible.
yeah it is the only thing i can cook and dont call me potter on public forums - urgh you just disregard everything i say....but back to the eggs
i cook mean scrambled eggs now thanks to mick and his grandads recipie.....ive gone all experiemental
hahaha claire then Miss Mullet or OI YOU WITH THE PIERCINGS N WEIRD HAIR YER GOFF. which is alwayd popular lol

just think Claire one day you could be married to an egg stained vest wearing brut with long toenails... thats the type of image that makes a girl a lesbian