Synopsis - K.I.A. (New song)


Shokran - Exodus soon...
Hey guys! So we've released a new song called K.I.A. (Killed in Action)
Wanted to hear any thoughts about it!

Recorded/Mixed/Mastered by me.

A bullet in the chest
last beat of the heart
last view at the sky
and this is the end

The ground that in flame
And smell of their blood
The last battle cry
and this is the end

They run through the dust in hell
Nerves made of steel, Not scared of a knell
It’s a fight for freedom

God does not observe this war
So selfish. What do they pay for?
It’s a fight of their lives

Fierce hatred in our minds
The bleeding sun that fights (with me)
We'll never give in, never give up

They never give up.
They will not stop The battle!

One dies for the friend
And there is no fear in the eyes
They stand till the end
Cause homes are behind

They never give up, never give up! Never give up!
They stand till the end!
They stand!

They are still so young
so far from their homes
where they are being waited
and won't be alone

They would give it all
To hug their wives and children
To feel the native walls
The dreams of one who's bleeding

Fierce hatred in our minds
The soul is trapped but fights
Despite the fire we'll never give up

The bullet in the chest
The warnings you don't listen
Light slowly fading out

A peace within your heart
A death without a reason
No more you'll scream or shout.