Synth drum recording

Evil Ernie

Ungodly freak, defiler
Feb 5, 2004
Montreal, Canada
Hi all,

I would like to record whole songs at home but I don't know about the many different ways to add synthetized drum tracks (bass as well by the way).

I noticed some dudes, Shard on the Opeth board for instance, are using Guitar Pro drums. How you record that? Can you convert guitar pro files to mp3 or wave format?

A lot of people also use programs to reproduce drums, which one should I get?
A friend of mine will receive Drum Kit From Hell soon, I may be able to burn it.

By the way I use Cooledit Pro 2.

you can make wav or mp3 files out of your GP-drum(and bass) track by simply pluging the lineout of your soundcard into the linein and record it that way, it works pretty good, but as you probably know, the GP-drums don't sound THAT good.
The quality of Guitar-Pro's drums will depend on your soundcard, as it uses MIDI instruments. If your card has a fairly decent MIDI sample set, it'll be passable. You may be able to bypass patching the line-in to the line-out too, if your sound card has a "What You Hear" recording option.

I use FruityLoops or ModPlug Tracker for my drums. The first is best but costs money, the second is almost as powerful but much harder to use, and is freeware.