Synth/Key Players

I have also wondered if there is any point in getting Juno-D. Is it too simple if we are going to make our own songs in our band and we probably need a lot of nice sounds?
Edit: I have performed on Juno-D once but I didn't use any special functions
Thanks for info. I will check Jordan Rudess message board after school. =)
PS: Downfall by cobhc is fun and easy to play on keyboard

Edit:I found out that many players on youtube who have awesome sounds use Korg X5/X50/X5D. So would this be what I'm looking for? And what about Roland Juno Stage? I plan to play live a lot more. Anyone know something about it?

I own a X5 and its a good starter board. In a nutshell it has decent tones, but some tones are lacking the piano, organs are not really all that good the piano tone is pretty bad. It has good strings, pads, choir, and a leads (you'll have to build your own tone). The keys are non-weighted, which at the time it was released a number of the boards on the market used semi-weighted keys. They fell very mushy and casio like, this also contributes to the boards light weight feel, the instrument weighs less than 20lbs so if your a hard player its easy to knock it around and possibly off your stand, if you play with a Jens/Warmen angle stand your not going to run into issues. The board uses a pitch wheel which is not at the end of the board but at the top left corner to save space.

I never played the Juno Stage but knowing its a newer board the tones will be better on it, you will have some really good strings, piano, organs, leads.
It would be fun to try VS-550 :D But I don't know if it's worth the price. I'm thinking about getting Juno-D Limited for 458 euros. I just need to try it first :p If it has good lead sounds I probably get it.
It might be a good board for you. There are lots of videos of the Juno-D on youtube so you can check out the tones that people are using.

Here are some reviews for that board.

But the ultimate test is to play the instrument yourself. If you have a good set of headphones take them with you to the music store and play the board yourself. The Rolands have a category button that allows you to scroll through the tones by category, a nice feature when you have 800+ presets.
I will have to buy one ASAP, because I need good lead sound :p. But I am really busy for 2,5 weeks. I can't wait to get good synth and tilted stand :rofl:
IMO you may wanna try Roland's Juno-G and Juno-Stage as well. The first is based on the Fantom X soundset, and has picked up some pretty good reviews as a solid workhorse. The latter is like a keyboard version of the SonicCell, which uses the Fantom G chip. Both can be expanded with Roland's SRX cards.
I hope no-one sees this as hi-jacking but I'm looking to collaborate with a keyboard/synth/programmer for my studio project (see sig). I'm currently writing and recording a demo, but I really have no talent for keys. If anyone is interested PM me!
SO! I've sort of decided what I'm doing at least in the short term. I'm keeping my sh-201 as it's a nice little analog vsynth, plus I have a lot of material already written with the band on it. But I did find an SP-404 for a REALLY decent price second hand, I'm going to pick it up on saturday. I just hope I don't have to make a second trip in a few weeks to break some legs lol...but yeah I think the SP-404 sampler is going to increase my game a few notches.
Just to let you know, the term for keyboards like the SH-201 is a VA, a Virtual Analog. The V-Synth is an actual keyboard by Roland. You'll need to tell me how that sampler works out for you though, I'm eyeing up the same model myself.
Does anyone know a good sire to find notes on? Like to The Final Countdown

and then I wonder if you have any tips on how to continue a song if you have like a funeral psalm on a organ as intro...
Look for MIDI files of the songs that you want the sheet music for. Most sequencing software (Cakwalk, Sonar, Cubase) allow you to print out the sheet music from midi files. There might be some shareware or freeware programs that will do that too.

I'm not sure what your asking in the second question.
Does anyone know a good sire to find notes on? Like to The Final Countdown

As above, get hold of Cubase/Sibelius or something and then find midi files.

and then I wonder if you have any tips on how to continue a song if you have like a funeral psalm on a organ as intro...

do you mean changing the sound bank while playing or ?
Just to let you know, the term for keyboards like the SH-201 is a VA, a Virtual Analog. The V-Synth is an actual keyboard by Roland.
I am aware of all this.

You'll need to tell me how that sampler works out for you though, I'm eyeing up the same model myself.
I am very happy with my purchase for the price I got it for. Its an awesome little machine, I think my favourite feature is that I can throw in some AA's and take it wherever I want with some headphones, play with my samples or sample new material with the onboard mic. Definitely an advantage over the larger models (size wise). I think though if I was to buy brand new, I would maybe wait it out and get the 555 instead. Just because of the extra FX etc etc. But for the price I got it for, this little sampler does not fail to satisfy.
That's cool man, cheers for the info. I'd probably be hunting second hand anyways.

Sorry if I sounded condescending with the VA comment by the way.
The more I hear/see about Juno-stage, the more excited I get. It seems to be exactly what I am looking for. I haven't been able to try one out yet and I'm wondering if its possible to use speakers on my other keyboard?