Synthesia - Midi Piano game


Nov 12, 2005

d3dx9_27.dll is missing.

What a fun program that doesn't work.:rolleyes:

Cool looking program though, at least to get some basic keyboard technique down, unless you load up a Liszt Transcendental Etude or something...which I WAS going to do IF THE PROGRAM ACTUALLY WORKED.

EDIT: updating directX
I'm updating DirectX right now :zzz:

Do I need a MIDI cord to use this program?

If you've got a keyboard, check if it has USB or MIDI ports. If it does, you're in luck.

If you've got both, USB is simpler. Get a driver from the keyboard company's site and connect it with a USB cable. (Check if the driver is compatible! For example, Casio USB doesn't work on Macs.)

If you're stuck with just a MIDI port, you can find a good MIDI-to-USB adapter for around $30. Price and brand don't make a difference. If it's going to work, it'll work 100%.

My keyboard has USB and I usually just use that.
Hmmmm...this program is kind of useless without a metronome. I see the developer is working on one for the next release though.