

keeper of the flame
Oct 10, 2001
safe but not far from the city
a synthesthesia, or synesthesia, is:

an involuntary joining in which the real information of one sense is accompanied by a perception in another sense. In addition to being involuntary, this additional perception is regarded by the synesthete as real, often outside the body, instead of imagined in the mind's eye. It also has some other interesting features that clearly separate it from artistic fancy or purple prose. Its reality and vividness are what make synesthesia so interesting in its violation of conventional perception. Synesthesia is also fascinating because logically it should not be a product of the human brain, where the evolutionary trend has been for increasing separation of function anatomically

which explains why the following is not a love song:

AFI - synthesthesia said:
heartbreak incarnate
i'm nothing if not your memories
heartbreak, please let me be
enjoying your pain

someday i will be
i'll be the common voice for community
because i am a man who'll forever be
where all remaining failed

please let me understand i'm your pillow
letters of past so distant and wrinkled
please let me understand i'm your pillow
letters of past so distant and wrinkled

(just say) say you will follow me (follow me)
invite me to your memory
(just sing) sing again for me (for me)
that long-forgotten song

heartbreak incarnate
i'm nothing if not your memories
heartbreak, please let me be
enjoying your pain

someday i will be
i'll be that what you want from a failing dream
because i will, i may at best
be as low as you feel

please let me understand i'm your pillow
letters of past so distant and wrinkled
please let me understand i'm your pillow
letters of past so distant and wrinkled

(just say) say you will follow me (follow me)
invite me to your memory
(just sing) sing again for me (for me)
that long-forgotten song

let me be all the words
let me be all the words
let me be all the words
let me be all the words

let me feel the words echo in comfort
let me be all the words that you'd unsay
let me feel the words echo in comfort, comfort, comfort, comfort
let me be all the words that you'd unsay, unsay, unsay, unsay

I don't really like the new AFI stuff. I think that is new...

Also, I would give both of you good rep but I have already given it to you recently and I'm not allowed to.

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thanks to you three guys for replying. ;)
though i'm miffed this got so little attention... :bah:

@shadowlioness: i'm giving you good rep.

@steve420: i like the art of drowning best, but the new one is ok imo. this is a bonus track for the uk, btw.

@coronerox: happy to be useful :)

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I still have no idea what synthesthesia is, care to explain in words a 5-y-o (edit: or someone as wasted as me) would understand? :p

Siren (wb)
rahvin said:
though i'm miffed this got so little attention... :bah:
I was this close to give you bad reputation for this useless and boring thread that lacked all the typical witty humour your posts usually have... Would that have been the kind of attention you were after? :D

-Villain (np: Pain - Nothing Remains the Same - "Injected Paradise")
Villain said:
I was this close to give you bad reputation for this useless and boring thread that lacked all the typical witty humour your posts usually have... Would that have been the kind of attention you were after? :D

baf! i just wanted to be informative, for once. :p plus it wasn't that serious, only, i found the stuff interesting. if it's boring for you it's apparent you're a :zombie: :D

@siren: you hear a sound, it tastes like banana. you kiss someone, you see the colour dark blue. examples of synesthesia.

@rahvin: oh, your explanation sounds like a lullaby, and it smells like alcohol. :Spin:
@wanderingblade: the uk version has 2 bonus tracks (synthesthesia + now the world remastered) and then the ghost track. other versions only feature the ghost track right after "...but home is nowhere".

@rahvin: i'm getting a bit interested on the topic, but the way you posed it (ie synesthesia is this and so this is not a love song) doesn't leave much room for conversation. maybe you'd like to help me out by starting to write the book "101 ways to synthesthesia for dummies" and start explaining why do you think it is so? ;)
:) don't worry, i know i started out without asking questions or for any opinions. i just felt like posting the stuff. i'll try and get back to you with more info if you think it's worth it.
but beware the very wise anonymous contributor who gave me bad rep for this, commenting "get a life". :lol: he/she is clearly speaking from experience, given the amount of time devoted to check my messages.

After both reading the lyrics and listening to the song (on a side note, Art of Drowning is still my favourite AFI album), I've decided that this is less of a song about love, and more a song about unhealthy obsession - a desire and attraction that may not be desired by the focus of said attraction. So whilst the focus of the attraction may feel that the obsession is unhealthy and scary, the writer of the lyrics him/herself views it as completely normal and that there is nothing wrong. Hence 'synesthesia', coming from synthesise, to mimic and take on the characteristics of something else. A letter from a stalker perhaps? Or someone generally taking over the character they obsess over? Either way, its quite a dark song.
@rahvin: yes i do think it's worth it, but i have to listen to the song first. *wink wink*

@D_J: interesting.. (i just had to read twice and replace "focus" with "object" :p)
Dark_Jester said:
On the whole, I wasn't too impressed with the latest album. Any opinions?

too many soft songs, especially at the beginning. i appreciate the efforts they make to keep sounding "different", but sometimes there are quite a few adventurous breaks that just make me go "what were they thinking?".
paper airplanes, but home is nowhere, this celluloid dream are the best tracks imo. they've got beautiful backing vocals and one hell of a lead singer/screamer. they should just stop indulging so much to the romantic vein. and retrieve a feeling for good bridges.
