System Of A Down - Mezmerize


Gogol Bordello
Mar 28, 2002
Stop feeling so true and pure/unspoiled/fuck trends metalhead for some minutes
Did you succeed on it?
Procced now:
I hated SOAD, except few songs (Spiders, Aerials). I only liked the fact that they are armenians ( ... ).
Their new album was quite a suprise for me, i mean it is HEAVY METAL.- And its very very very very good. All the riffs are very inspired, the -core elements they used to have are gone, and the punk feeling is reduced (well ok you can accept the fact that some thrash have punk feeling/influences, but you cant do it for SOAD). Also Tankian's vocals are mostly melodic. The songs are all, and i mean all, GREAT and with rich musical variety, lots of changes etc. I think you all should listen to this.
I heard their 2nd album a few weeks ago when someone played it at work and it really took me back to when it came out and how big a fan of it I was for a while. It really is, no matter how little it means, a lot better than what most of their peers manage to release. I haven't heard Mezmerize but i'll get around to it!
My friend has been trying to convince me this album is much better than their last. I have to admit their are a couple songs I kinda like (BYOB, This Cocaine Makes me Feel like Im on this Song, etc.).
I really like SOAD, I've always maintained that. I LOVE Serj Tankian's vocals. People don't like them because of their politics, well I fucking stand up and applaud it. Still, those same people dismissing their views are the same ones who support Bush so there you go.

Yeah, I bought this new one the other day, and I agree, there is lots more "metal" in it than before, which actually took me by surprise. There's even a few Iron Maiden riffs in there which is funny. Either way that's not necessary for me to like them because I liked Toxicity anyway -- the problem I have with the new one is that Tankian doesn't sing enough. There is too much of the other guitarist singing, whereas before he would only sing backing. Now he's singing half the songs.

I think I'd like it more if there were more Tankian vocals. Otherwise, not bad, needs a few more listens.

You and me
We'll all go down in history
With a sad statue of liberty
and a generation that didn't agree
I picked up their first one after hearing a song I liked, but didn't really get in to the rest of the album. Someone gave me a CDR of Toxicity and I really liked it--easily their best. I bought Steal This Album, as it was recorded during the Toxicity sessions. Again-didn't like it at all. So I didn't bother with the new one. We reviewed it at MetalReview, and boy did we hear about it. Look at all the negative comments we received. If nothing else, look at the number of comments (oldest comments are on the bottom).
Eh, I've bought two and burned one, and only liked one of 'em. Not good enough, given the mound of music I'm buried under. I might check it out at some point.
Only heard the debut and it wasn't as bad as most of the music they are lumped in with. It had some cool riffs, but the whiny vocals ruin the album. And I'm not too much into politically driven music by guys who bash American politics, yet get rich by Americans. Very Hollywood.
I was simply stating that it's weird for 4 Armenians to bash the very country/system that is making them rich.

I'm sure it wouldn't go over too well if I went to Greece and became rich by bashing the government and the country's history. "I hate your country and politics, but I'll sure as hell take your money!"

BUt hey, whatever, you know, that's what Hollywood is for.
If you live somewhere and pay taxes, you have the right to say whatever u want. They are american cizizens i mean.. they just have armenian names and blood in them. And i dont think their lyrics are like RATM lyrics.. you know..i think they have more global meaning.
J. said:
I was simply stating that it's weird for 4 Armenians to bash the very country/system that is making them rich.

J - you realize they're full US citizens right? It's not like they just came off the boat, they just have an Armenian background, just like you have Polacks, Irish, Italians, etc living here.

You're all Americans today regardless of where your ancestors are from.

Not me, I'm still British but I live here and pay taxes to this government. I'm not even entitled to vote, so I just have to suck it up and hope my tax dollar is being well spent.
JayKeeley said:
J - you realize they're full US citizens right? It's not like they just came off the boat, they just have an Armenian background, just like you have Polacks, Irish, Italians, etc living here.

You're all Americans today regardless of where your ancestors are from.

That's cool. Like I said, that's what Hollywood is for, and they fit right in.
You expect everyone who is fed up to just sit there and contently just "take it?" Or because they are "famous", they aren't allowed to voice there opinion? The U.S.A. was born on revolt and is set-up so if you don't like the way things are going, you have at least some power to change it whether it be by voting, protesting, etc etc. Unfortunately, the gov't and big business has been slowly taking control of the media over the past century which further induces the mass hypnotizism of the peoples. You know the rest of the story.

I hate it when people say "If you hate it so much, then leave!" That is so fucking ridiculous. Although, it is getting to the point of no return where that MAY BE the only viable option. :erk:

Boy, am I a master of viewing both sides of the coin. No wonder I can never have a solid opinion on anything. :tickled:
J. said:
That's cool. Like I said, that's what Hollywood is for, and they fit right in.

Oh ok, I thought you were complaining because they weren't allowed to say anything against the US because they were foreigners. Or at least that's how I read it.

matt99_crew said:
I picked up their first one after hearing a song I liked, but didn't really get in to the rest of the album. Someone gave me a CDR of Toxicity and I really liked it--easily their best.

Yeah, I also have the other albums, but never got into them (or gave them as much time perhaps) as Toxicity. Jesus, what an album. Even the stuff that was played on the radio, like the title track, "Aerials", and "Chop Suey!" is great.

I mean, "Chop Suey!". :tickled: It's so warped, but if that isn't one of the greatest songs of the last few years, I don't know what is. That whole chorus section at the end, "Father, why have you forsaken me? In your eyes forsaken me, in your thoughts.." -- goosebumps galore.

We reviewed it at MetalReview, and boy did we hear about it. Look at all the negative comments we received. If nothing else, look at the number of comments (oldest comments are on the bottom).

Pfft. I mean, what can you say? Metal attracts little kids and with that you get little kid mentality.