System Of A Down - Mezmerize


Reminds me of Andrew Dice Clay...

"What the fuck is BISEXUAL? I mean, what the fuck - do people wake up every morning and flip a coin to decide? Heads I want hair pie, tails I'll take balls across the nose".
Doomcifer said:
You expect everyone who is fed up to just sit there and contently just "take it?" Or because they are "famous", they aren't allowed to voice there opinion? The U.S.A. was born on revolt and is set-up so if you don't like the way things are going, you have at least some power to change it whether it be by voting, protesting, etc etc. Unfortunately, the gov't and big business has been slowly taking control of the media over the past century which further induces the mass hypnotizism of the peoples. You know the rest of the story.

How exactly are these people not "taking it"? Just voicing an opposing stance means squat today?

Am I the only one who realizes that the ONLY way things will change is by violence? You know, kinda like the "revolt" you just mentioned? People have been protesting and voting since this country's inception, and look where we are today.

These "celebrities" who voice their dissent are about as usefull as the majority of their "art". Too much talk, and absolutely zero bite. What, just bcause they were in some shit movie or make "music", people think their opinion is more educated? LOLERZ
J. said:
Am I the only one who realizes that the ONLY way things will change is by violence?

You have no idea how much I am in the same boat as you in regards to that sentence.

But, then again, ironically, I don't see you bombing federal buildings either. So it is kind of the pot calling the kettle black.
I hate people that write off a band w/o hearing them. I see a lot of that in this forum and I'll never really understand it. Why do some of you force such borders onto your tastes? "I'm not going to listen to it, but I'll tell you how shitty it is" seems to be the metal youth's motto. Anyhow.

I'm a fan of System, but so far not of the new album. Only heard it once or twice, but it seems a little more pop-oriented than their previous stuff. The self-titled rocks, especially that wickedly weird guitar tone, Toxicity fucking RULES although I sorta spent myself out of it a year or two ago, but I'll probably pick this up eventually anyhow, or at least get a CD-R from one of my friends.

Nothing will stop me from seeing these dudes with The Mars Volta later this year, have yet to see either band.
I have heard SOAD a few times and not wanted to poke my eardrums out, but if that BYOB song is on this album, then I don't know how I would like the rest. I really don't like that song.
Why do some of you force such borders onto your tastes?
'Cause maybe if I like some of the stuff I write off without hearing, I'd have to delve into that band/genre and add 6000 more albums to my buylist, and I really don't need that.

Now SOAD is just shitty, but generally speaking...
IOfTheStorm said:
Stop feeling so true and pure/unspoiled/fuck trends metalhead for some minutes
Did you succeed on it?

Haha...for all that self-rightous ranting...I caught an hour of their set last night and they're still boring :loco:
They have talent. They are Creative. I still hate them. Yes, it's the politics. Yes, it's the crowd they appeal to and the videos they make for MTV.
I never paid attention to their lyrics and always have hated them until the last album. It's pretty good actually and believe me people, I never thought I would have said such a thing in my life.
I've heard a few songs from it and really liked it. It is a metal album and from what I can tell, a good one. I like Mudvayne too and Disturbed isn't a bad rock band. Yeah, there is some decent music to be found in those groups of bands, but too much predjudice for most to overcome their feelings.
haha, Disturbed. the band fronted by a gorilla-sounding buffoon.

Oh well, I liked some songs from the first Soulfly, and Deftones has some good stuff.
Dunno, I don't listen to third tier death metal like Cannibal COrpse or nu death metal like Six Feet Under.

But listening to Ares, no, I don't get a gorilla vibe.
Dear Cannibal Corpse,

Thanks for allowing us to rip you off for the past 15 years.

Your Friend,
98% of death metal
Watched their set at Download. I've always liked them in the way that you like that friend who you see every now and again at the bar, and you always have a good laugh and enjoy their company, but really regret the weekend you let them stay round your house and they pissed in your shoes.