SYSTEM OF A DOWN on re: terrorism...What the fuck?!


Resident Media Punisher
Serj Tankian, from SOAD sent a totally inappropriate message. It's toward the bottom of the page and it really pisses me off. I don't care if the US had the bombing "coming", you just can't write shit like that right now. Stupid fucker. I don't give a shit what the fuck the US has done in the Middle East, but what he says in his message should have been saved for next week at the earliest. Fuck him. Get the fuck out of my country you piece of shit.

Yes, I know he wants peace, but show some fucking respect. Don't scold Americans because they are blind. And he's an Armenian brother, too. I hate to have to despise him right now.
Great text!Here it is,please read it CAREFULLY before you judge it-or else don't judge it at all.This is exactly what I meant at the other thread.Worth reading for everyone who CARES about what happened.

A message from SYSTEM OF A DOWN frontman Serj Tankian:


Understanding Oil

By Serj Tankian


The brutal attacks/bombings this week in New York, and Washington D.C., along with threats of attacks there and elsewhere in the country have changed our times forever. While the mass media concentrates on the details of the destruction, and the blanketed words of politicians, I will attempt to understand and explain the events from the fence. BOMBING AND BEING BOMBED ARE THE SAME THINGS ON DIFFERENT SIDES OF THE FENCE.


Terror is not a spontaneous human action without credence. People just don’t hijack planes and commit harikari (suicide) without any weight of thought to the action. No one in the media seems to ask WHY DID THESE PEOPLE DO THIS HORRIFIC ACT OF VIOLENCE AND DESTRUCTION?


To be able to understand the answer to this, we must first look at our U.S. Mideast Policy. During most of the 20th century, U.S. businesses have worked on attaining oil rights and concessions from countries in the Middle East and Eastern Europe. After WWI, secret back door deals by our State Dept. yielded oil rights from then defeated Turkey to fields in what is now Iraq and Saudi Arabia, in return for looking the other way at a crime against humanity, the Genocide of the Armenians by the Turks. Oil profits have been the motivating factors behind many attempts at counterinsurgency of democratic regimes by the CIA and the U.S in the Middle East (such as Iran in the 1950s, where the Shah replaced the Prime Minister who refused to give up oil rights to the U.S., and since the people couldn’t deal with the Shah, an extremist government headed by the Ayatollah Khomeini ultimately prevailed). During the Iran-Iraq war, America supplied both sides with weapons and advice. These are not the actions of a rich superpower wanting peace. Let’s not forget that Saddam Hussein, before being America’s vision of the Anti-Christ, was a close ally of the U.S., and the CIA. So what was the firm belief system of consecutive American administrations that caused all this to occur? PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST WILL LEAD TO HIGHER OIL AND GASOLINE PRICES. Let’s not also forget the power of the Arms industry, disguised as defense, that still sells billions of dollars of weapons to the area. Therefore it has not been in the short-term economic interest of the U.S. to foster Peace in the Middle East. Using the above reasoning, the U.S. has encouraged extremist governments, toppled democracies, as in the case of Iran to replace it with a monarchy, rigged elections, and many more unspeakable political crimes for U.S. businesses abroad. Let’s not also forget the Red Scare. During the war between the then Soviet Union and Afghanistan, the U.S. armed and supported the Taliban, a fundamentalist Muslim organization, and allowed them to export opium and heroin out of their country to pay for those weapons. Therefore the Taliban rose to power and control with the help of the U.S.A. Today, the bombing of Iraq still continues, no longer covered by the media, the economic embargo still remains, killing millions of children, and recently, while the world and the U.N. General Assembly have cried out to bring in peacekeeping forces into Israel and Palestine, to end the escalated war and recent assassinations, the U.S. has vetoed the rest of the Security Council and has halted the possibility of peace, there, in the most volatile place in the world.


People in Serbia, Lebanon, Iraq, Sudan, and Afghanistan to name a few, have seen bombs fall, not always at military targets and kill innocent civilians, as the scene in New York city yesterday. The wars waged by our government in our names has landed smack in the middle of our living room. The half hour of destruction closed down all world financial markets, struck the central headquarters of our military, and had our leaders running into bunkers, and our citizens into fear and frenzy. What scares me more than what has occurred is what our reactions to the occurrences may cause. President Bush belongs to a long generation of Republican Presidents who love war economies. The media has only concentrated on the bombings, if you will, and what type of retaliations are looming for the perpetrators. What everyone fails to realize is that the bombings are a reaction to existing injustices around the world, generally unseen to most Americans. To react to a reaction would be to further sponsor the reaction. In other words, my belief is that the terror will multiply if concrete steps are not taken to sponsor peace in the middle east, NOW. This does not mean that we should not find the guilty party(s), Bin Laden, or whoever they may be, and not try them. Put simply, as long as a major injustice remains, violence precipitates to the surface of life.


Native American folklore, the Bible, Nostradamus, and many other major religious beliefs point to this era with the visuals of yesterday’s disasters, and conditions of ecological disasters we experience daily in our lives today. War, rumors of war, famine, long burning fires, etc., are at our doorstep. We can prevail over this possible vision with the power of the human spirit, understanding, compassion, and peace. IT’S TIME TO PUT OUR NEEDS FOR SECURITY AND SURVIVAL, ACHIEVED ONLY THROUGH PEACE, ABOVE AND BEYOND PROFITS, ESPECIALLY IN THESE TIMES.



The U.S. should stop sidestepping the U.N. Security Council, and allow U.N. Peacekeeping troops and missions to the Middle East. Stop the violence first.

Stop the bombing and patrol of Iraq.


With today’s gains in the use of alternative fuels, develop them to full usage with autos and other utilities, to make the country less dependant on an already depleting natural reserve, oil.


By initiating peace, we would have already shaken the foundations of support for Bin Laden, and/or all those that sponsor activities like those we saw yesterday, and break the stronghold of extremists on the world of Islam. On the other hand, if we carry out bombings on Afghanistan or elsewhere to appease public demand, and very likely kill innocent civilians along the way, we’d be creating many more martyrs going to their deaths in retaliation against the retaliation. As shown from yesterday’s events, you cannot stop a person who’s ready to die.
Instead of accusing the System of a Down guy u should feel really lucky that there are some people(unfortunately few) in USA that are educated and like to search for the truth and not eating what your stupid media feeds them.The fact that u don't care of what happened in Middle East,in Serbia or in Sudan where your army killed hundreds of thousand of innocent people because u faulsy thought there was a chemical warfare facility explains why millions of people don't give a shit of what happened in New york and the Pentagon.Stop being this arrogant.U are not the only nation in the world.People live here thousands of years before u poped out.i hope u find some reason and the USA people start to search for the truth and began tolearn some things like human history and human rights!
Demonspell:Sometimes u people seem so helpless in your arrogance and ignorance.Better start hoping that u won't go to war.Its strange how much truth hurts!
This is why NoLordy is moving to Canada, eventually.
No one will blame him for being Canadian, no one hates them. :)
This is why NoLordy is moving to Canada, eventually.
No one will blame him for being Canadian, no one hates them.

That is true...hehehe!
If we go to war, I hope that asshole is one of the first to be sent home in a coffin...

Look dude, if you seriously think there is something to gain by going to war, then i hope you are one of the first to be sent home in a coffin.

-YOUR ignorance to everything around you is astounding.

Just think of the terrorism that america will suffer if you DO go to war. Then it won't simply be a holy war(if that's even what it is), it will be because america is at war with them, then they wont need an excuse to kill your president or anything like that.

-I'm from australia, and if you go to war, they'll probably force me to defend your fucking country, and in turn, you. And personally, thats no something i care to do.

Just think dude, just think.
I can't understand why u react this way.Of course it's sad for all those innocent victims.But the guy from SOAD is just speaking straight and telling the truth!U can't realise that because you're just another brainwashed American...
Oh,and you don't give a shit about what the US has done in the Middle East?Well I guess whoever did this thing has another opinion...
Of course I am terrified of war, and further terrorist actions, but we need to retaliate in some way or else we will be seen as being completely defenseless. And while I support everyone's right to free speech, now is not the time for anti-American sentiment...either you are with us or against us. I wish retribution on no one except those who commit or support acts of terrorism, and they need to be completely destroyed.

For those who still doubt my sincerity, I wrote this in place of my normal column on Ultimate Metal this week:

I am still shocked beyond belief at today's events, inconceivable in their horror, devastating in its magnitude, and beyond the limits of human understanding and the notion that we as a species are capable of such savagery toward our own race is enough to tear your very soul inside out, an entire nation brought to a standstill and a catastrophic loss of life in a span of hours. As a lifelong resident of the NYC area, this is unquestionably the most tragic occurence to have happened in my short lifetime, and it still seems to me implausible that every time I look at the Manhattan skyline just miles away from my home in Brooklyn, I will see a void where a wonder of the modern world once stood proud. I express infinite sorrow towards the victims and pray that survivors will still be found amidst the ruins, and hope for immediate punishment against the people responsible for this barbaric act of inhuman cruelty.
Some of you foreign people absolutely disgust me.

Do NOT EVER call me a "brainwashed American." EVER. I have been anti-US involvement in everything, from Africa to Bosnia to Iraq. We should not have been there. We, yes, I included in we, bombed the fuck out of Iraq and killed hundreds of thousands of absolutely innocent Iraqis. Yes, I did it, and I will never forgive my country for that.

HOWEVER, what occured Tuesday was not even in the same category. And yes, I know you're thinking, "Genius thinks Americans are more valuable than Iraqis." No, all people are equal, with some exceptions, for instance those worthless suicide bombers. They don't deserve to be called 'terrorists' because that term implies that they are human, which they cannot be.

Anyway, my point here is this:

1. America never, ever, ever was coward enough to kill innocent people outside of war, with no caution, no warning, not to mention how much of a stab in the back this WTC deal was. Innocents in Iraq, bless them for being in a better place than us, were casualties of war. At least some of them had some warning that trouble was coming. My heart still bleeds for them.

2. America never killed innocent people in order to HUMILIATE another country.

3. We have already told these worthless 'terrorists' that they will die. At least we have the honor to do that, an honor which they were too cowardly to project. And have they even claimed their actions? America always claimed responsibility, even if we did lie and say that certain incidents were 'accidental.'

Right now, I feel bad for those of you who say, "America had it coming." I even have family here who share SOAD's opinion that "we had it coming." Do you honestly believe so? Do you think that this "was coming?" Then why didn't you do something about it, you people? If you knew it was coming, why didn't you tell me about it? Did these people deserve to die? Since you seem to know everything, and you care so much about human life, why didn't you act on your feelings? Were 5,000 lives just not enough "coming" for you to do something about it?

No, no one knew this was coming, it shouldn't have come, and it was the worst thing that could have happened to this world. Because someone threw the shit in the fan. You're gonna tell me that "we had it coming" you stupid fuckers? What the fuck did we do that deserved for the 'shit to hit the fan' so that everyone gets fucked. You people disgust me.

"We had it coming."

You dumb fuckers, what schools did you go to that they taught you that shit. What are you, CHILDREN? We had it coming. That disgusts me beyond belief. Good luck to you.
Am I the only American here that thinks clearly?

1. We ARE arrogant.
2. We fuck up deals with everyone we've ever contacted (see: Indians, Louisiana Purchase, Spain, Mexico...)
3. We aren't exactly accurate in our bombings... we miss more than we hit, and that means dead civilians.
4. They aren't afraid of us, and killing Bin Laden won't stop the terrorists, he has trained assistants that would carry on his work.
5. In war, they will bomb us back. Want more dead civvies? Go ahead, piss the Middle East off.

I'm not trying to win popularity votes, I was the only person in my town that knew why they did it before anyone else, and I'm pointing out our flaws.
By the way someone mentiond something about America never being coward and never doing hostile unless she has declared war.Are u stupid?What war?Do u call war what u did in Sudan or Serbia?How could they fought back?Did they have any choise?Isn't it cowardise to close the Iraqi borders and because of that thousand of Iraqis to die every year because they dom't have access in medicines?I wonder in which schools u have studied that learn u that this is right and even brave!?
I now request we let this thread and entire topic die so we can return to discussing music, and occasionally bash each other over the same music as well.
Originally posted by GeniusGonInsane You're gonna tell me that "we had it coming" you stupid fuckers? What the fuck did we do that deserved for the 'shit to hit the fan' so that everyone gets fucked. You people disgust me.

"We had it coming."

You dumb fuckers, what schools did you go to that they taught you that shit. What are you, CHILDREN? We had it coming. That disgusts me beyond belief. Good luck to you.

Originally posted by GeniusGonInsane We, yes, I included in we, bombed the fuck out of Iraq and killed hundreds of thousands of absolutely innocent Iraqis. Yes, I did it, and I will never forgive my country for that.
Another nice message I found at that might interest some of you:

NAPALM DEATH outspoken frontman Mark “Barney” Greenway has issued his own statement in response to the tragic events that transpired last week. Here is Barney’s statement in its entirety:

“Hi everybody,

“Just wanted to add my two cents to the topic which, inevitably, everyone's gonna be talking about for months to come and to which end people have already been posting on [NAPALM DEATH’s official web site].

“It was a terrible thing and we cannot begin to imagine what the people must have been going through when those planes hit, or when the others were falling out of the building. My friend was working in the building next to it, saw everything and is pretty traumatised. But he's OK physically at least.

“But, as much as it might be hard to think of anything else right now, we have to look at the wider picture. If it was someone from the Arab world (and last time in Oklahoma when the US tried to make out as such, it turned out to be one of their own - McVeigh), then if you really think about it, you couldn't deny that this was a kind of an inevitability.

“The US administration and NATO (inc. Britain) have consistently and arrogantly interfered in other nations’ affairs, making themselves out to be saviours when they are in fact selfishly pushing their own interests. The Gulf War was about oil stocks - don't think otherwise. The bombing of Yugoslavia - same sh.t as NY if you think about it - was possibly the biggest, most misdirected waste of time since Britain's own Falkland War, killed many innocent Yugoslavians and really was a token flexing of military muscle because they didn't know what the else to do and almost did it for the sake of just doing something, anything. Except the Yugoslavian incident achieved little in paralysing the countries overall infrastruture. In comparison, The NY incident has severely damaged the economic heart of America and beyond.

“Bush is scum. Like Reagan was scum — but probably worse. The disdain in which he deals with environmental issues, helps to squash the Palestinian territory until it is no more (good old ethnic cleansing), then wants to build a missile system in space and point warheads at any country he feels like. I mean, come on. Are people naive enough to believe that everyone will sit there and take that sh.t? That's besides his unsavoury attempts to with all of us by trying to sever ties with companies involved in Birth Control (a lovely old policy from the Conservative Christian movement) etc. And there's more.

“Saddam, for one, is a f.cking nut. But Bush is just as bad, albeit in a more sly, more acceptably 'Western' fashion. There's already been talk of Bush authorising random attacks on places before they can even prove who did it. That is just lunacy, and it affects all of our lives because they really could kick-start a war. And this time, it'll be more than Hiroshima or Nagasaki. It doesn't help when people when get into that ‘bomb the bastards’ mentality, as, in truth, I've seen on [NAPALM DEATH’s own site].

“So, I say RIP the NY victims, but I wish they'd flown a plane right up Bush's arse!

Originally posted by NoLordy Capone
I now request we let this thread and entire topic die so we can return to discussing music, and occasionally bash each other over the same music as well.

I really like discussing world events - and the future is a scary place. And the anger from this past week - all of the 4-letter words. Well, I will vainly attempt to misdirect this thread with an angry musical tirade:

How the fuck can the music industry sell its soul to the likes of "pop starts" Brittany Spears, N'Sync, Michael (who looks in the mirror and says:"Who the fuck are you?") Jackson, rap music - what the fuck?!?! Give me a chance to speak into a microphone with a drum beat going so I can make some $$.

I have to search far and wide to find bands like Nevermore, who have musical talent. But these mainstream fuckers call it noise - what the hell is that crap they listen to?

Oh yeah - and those hippie freaks (if you are one, please don't take this personally) at Woodstock - started this whole freedom of speech and peace movement - and where the hell has that gotten us? Why couldn't they just have smoked their pot, and listened to Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin?

[was that a good attempt at a diversion?]