System of a Down... Watch this video

I like SOAD a lot, but this video doesn't do much for me. I really liked their "Spiders" video because it was more detailed. It doesn't follow the common nu-metal video of the band on stage with lots of supposedly pissed-off teenagers singing along to their music. They seem to be losing their edge a bit...Maybe I'm wrong. :eek:
Originally posted by _Transparent_
isn't the bit when they look like they are merged together a copy of red hot chili peppers, anyway who cares :rolleyes: . is this video meant to be good though? why is it? expand please, thanks. :)

I love SOAD. Furthermore they crack me up. I like this video b/c of their ability to not take themselves seriously, while at the same time making a serious point.

Anyways, I find it odd that "empty" video is getting rave reviews. That video says NOTHING to me. Maybe that was the intent...
Originally posted by Wolff
That's alreet. You folks have a lot of growing up to do.
Can't handle a bunch of people disliking one band you happen to like...? That's pretty sad. Well, I gotta get back to growing up, talk to you later.
Originally posted by Useful Idiot

Can't handle a bunch of people disliking one band you happen to like...? That's pretty sad. Well, I gotta get back to growing up, talk to you later.

Call me on my cell when you do. We can have a drink together.
Once again......
I've seen the video. It sucks. The song sucks. The band sucks. End of story. You would think that this wouldn't come up so often on an Opeth message board. oh well....

oh, and since when does growing up mean lowering your standards for music?
There should be a formula for nu metal
get a spiky guitar with 7 strings but dont dare to learn how to play it just use a bunch of multi effect processing. Get a vocalist that moans like a girl and screams like a guy stiking his hand in hot oil. Get a bassplayer that tries to impress people with slaping and covers that he actually isnt playing any different notes, get a drummer that does weird tempos but has no clue about how to do uncommon rythm arrengements and just plays random, i and the guy and the turn table.
Dont forget to put the guitar player with the most obnoxious paint you can think on his face and had him do gestures like a guy pretending to be insane ( lets face it they know nothing about malka...insane people ). Dont worry if the guitar player cant play guitar if he looks "scary" enough you can just put a recorder on the ground along with the processing pedals and no one will notice it since he is doing so much stupid "scary" movements people would not care if he is diving offstage on the people without even putting his hands on the guitar.
Same goes for the drummer if he cant play double kicks just get a bunch of other guys to cover it up and say they are percussions.
Dont forget that writing about how your dad killed your mother and raped your fucking dog always work as long as you actually cry during the song

That about covers it :lol: