System of a Down... Watch this video

Originally posted by Misanthrope
There should be a formula for nu metal
get a spiky guitar with 7 strings but dont dare to learn how to play it just use a bunch of multi effect processing. Get a vocalist that moans like a girl and screams like a guy stiking his hand in hot oil. Get a bassplayer that tries to impress people with slaping and covers that he actually isnt playing any different notes, get a drummer that does weird tempos but has no clue about how to do uncommon rythm arrengements and just plays random, i and the guy and the turn table.
Dont forget to put the guitar player with the most obnoxious paint you can think on his face and had him do gestures like a guy pretending to be insane ( lets face it they know nothing about malka...insane people ). Dont worry if the guitar player cant play guitar if he looks "scary" enough you can just put a recorder on the ground along with the processing pedals and no one will notice it since he is doing so much stupid "scary" movements people would not care if he is diving offstage on the people without even putting his hands on the guitar.
Same goes for the drummer if he cant play double kicks just get a bunch of other guys to cover it up and say they are percussions.
Dont forget that writing about how your dad killed your mother and raped your fucking dog always work as long as you actually cry during the song

That about covers it :lol:

That's the problem with some people in this forum: you attach labels to music and then based on those pre-conceived notions, you form an (erroneous I might add) opinion.

So, System of a down=nu metal (actually not), hence bad
then, Emperor=black metal, hence good.

As far as lyrics go:

"I don't think you trust in my self-righteous suicide,
I cry when angels deserve to die..."

Better than most I think. In addition, the vocal style is brilliant, especially during the chorus. Listen to it again.
Originally posted by Wolff
That's alreet. You folks have a lot of growing up to do.

Originally posted by Wolff

That's the problem with some people in this forum: you attach labels to music and then based on those pre-conceived notions, you form an (erroneous I might add) opinion.

So, System of a down=nu metal (actually not), hence bad
then, Emperor=black metal, hence good.

As far as lyrics go:

"I don't think you trust in my self-righteous suicide,
I cry when angels deserve to die..."

Better than most I think. In addition, the vocal style is brilliant, especially during the chorus. Listen to it again.

Wolff, you tell people they need to grow up, yet you become insultive and offended by someone simply saying they dislike System of A Down. I think you need to heed your own words.
I could almost tell by the title of this thread where it would go - music bashing. I thought we were, as Opethians, able to express our opinion, and not judge others on their opinion.

I, as usual, was sadly mistaken.

Oh, and in response to this thread - SOAD is quite comical, but I do agree that comparing their own 2 videos that I've seen, that Spiders is better crafted.
I think SOAD are brilliant :) I don't know if they're nu-metal - I wouldn't know nu-metal if it bit me on the proverbial, because I don't worry about different styles of music anymore. If it sounds cool, I'll listen to it, and when I first heard Chop Suey I thought, COOL!

Toxicity is one of the most enjoyable albums I've heard in ages. It's great fun just chucking the CD on and singing along to it, without worrying about the band's image or musical style. As I said, if it sounds cool, I'll listen to it, whether it's power metal, death metal, nu-metal, glam metal, country, swing, blues, jazz, rap (well, maybe not rap!) or whatever.
Originally posted by Spiff
I don't worry about different styles of music anymore. If it sounds cool, I'll listen to it

Yeah, well said Spiff. I think if people discriminate on the basis of genre, rather than musical quality, they're going to miss out on a lot of really great music.
I see a lot of people saying how they listen to System of a Down because they're funny and things like that. I can't listen to a band to just gets old way too fast. Perhaps if System of a Down were a more serious sounding band I might like them. I'll say that they have a bit more talent than the average nu-metal band.

Plus, the lyrics thing. Have you read all of the lyrics, Wolff? Have you read these lyrics?

"Wake Up (Wake Up)
Grandma why don't you put on a little make up?"

And then there are these:
"Mother (Fu*ker)
Grandma (Fu*ker)
Father (Fu*ker)
Mother-a (Fu*ker)"

Originally posted by Spiff
I think SOAD are brilliant :) I don't know if they're nu-metal - I wouldn't know nu-metal if it bit me on the proverbial, because I don't worry about different styles of music anymore. If it sounds cool, I'll listen to it, and when I first heard Chop Suey I thought, COOL!

Toxicity is one of the most enjoyable albums I've heard in ages. It's great fun just chucking the CD on and singing along to it, without worrying about the band's image or musical style. As I said, if it sounds cool, I'll listen to it, whether it's power metal, death metal, nu-metal, glam metal, country, swing, blues, jazz, rap (well, maybe not rap!) or whatever.

That's the spirit.

I reccomended this video b/c I like Toxicity, and I think SOAD are one of the best new bands out there. Serj has a great voice, and was featured with Tony Iommi (Black Sabbath) in his solo album. Anyways, uou can chose to listen, or ignore it. I certainly won't get offended.

... I play Russian roulette, a man's sport, with a bullet called life.

Spiff, what's your fave song in that album?
Originally posted by Useful Idiot
I see a lot of people saying how they listen to System of a Down because they're funny and things like that. I can't listen to a band to just gets old way too fast. Perhaps if System of a Down were a more serious sounding band I might like them. I'll say that they have a bit more talent than the average nu-metal band.

Plus, the lyrics thing. Have you read all of the lyrics, Wolff? Have you read these lyrics?

"Wake Up (Wake Up)
Grandma why don't you put on a little make up?"

And then there are these:
"Mother (Fu*ker)
Grandma (Fu*ker)
Father (Fu*ker)
Mother-a (Fu*ker)"


Just for the record, you're wrong. Here are the lyrics as taken from their website:

Wake up,
Grab a brush and put a little (makeup),
Grab a brush and put a little,
Hide the scars to fade away the (shakeup)
Hide the scars to fade away the,
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
Here you go create another fable

You wanted to,
Grab a brush and put a little makeup,
You wanted to,
Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup,
You wanted to,
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table,
You wanted to,

I don't think you trust,
In, my, self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to die, Die,

Wake up,
Grab a brush and put a little (makeup),
Grab a brush and put a little,
Hide the scars to fade away the (shakeup)
Hide the scars to fade away the,
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
Here you go create another fable

You wanted to,
Grab a brush and put a little makeup,
You wanted to,
Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup,
You wanted to,
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table,
You wanted to,

I don't think you trust,
In, my, self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to die
In my, self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to die

Father, Father, Father, Father,
Father/ Into your hands/I/commend my spirit,
Father, into your hands,

Why have you forsaken me,
In your eyes forsaken me,
In your thoughts forsaken me,
In your heart forsaken, me oh,

Trust in my self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to die,
In my self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to die.

Lyrics by: Tankian, Malakian
Music by: Malakian

Secondly, SOAD is not nu-metal. Nu-Metal means hard hip-hop mixed with dark bass lines, low tune guitars, and djs, samplers, percussionists, etc ...slipknot, incubus, korn, deftones, papa roach, linkin park, static x, fear factory, limp bizkit.
Nu-metal is strongly influenced by hip-hop, SOAD in the words of Tankian is mainly influenced by death metal. Big difference, and it shows.

Thirdly, what's wrong with music that makes you laugh/ uplifts you? Ever listened to Misfits? When you listen to music and you are uplifted, the place you go is not physical........

Glad we cleared that up.
comon who gives a flying fuck about lyrics. YOU know damn well metal lyrics suck half the time also. But its not about lyrics anyway. I could care less what the fuck the lyrics mean, if the music is good and the lyrics are (fuck me i have one shaver in my hair sack) i wouldnt give a flyin fuck becuase the music would be GOOD. now lets see..... i had an argument today in school.....

one person was ranting about soad so i said fuck that i hate them.... they arent good. He told me they were so good blah blah blah..... then this other kid came in and said "they have originality" Now i have heard just about all of their songs and the only thing that is hardly original is the VOCALS. That just shows how much people dont pay attention to the instruments and just vocals. Comon don't tell me that drummer is anything special, neither is the guitarist, and i dont recall shit about the bass because i dont give a shit really. But anyway, the guitar riffs are really simple .... lets just take SUGAR for example. The riff is fucking simple, 12 year old riffage. The vocals, sure the vocals are original... but the vocals dont make the fucking band. Theres a whole band behind that vocalist, and they arent original, or any more talented then any of the other moronic nu metal bands. And no, just beucase they have a guitar harmony in that intro to chop suey, it doesnt mean they are any better. Slopped out guitar
OK, arguing about whether a band is good or not is futile. I now realize there was absolutely no purpose in me posting in this thread. Am I going to prove your opinion wrong? Are you going to prove mine wrong? I just found your previous comment extremely funny...the one about growing up. It's so hilariously unjustified. Keep up the good work.

Oh yeah, just a quick run-down of why I personally do not like the band.

-standard fare guitar/drums, nothing impressive in the least
-original vocals, but vocals I do not like; makes the band sound like a joke band (this is why I think Spiders is their best song)
-repetitive, boring song structure, similiar to most nu-metal bands

Oh well.

And I still haven't quite figured out what you expected the response to be to the video...somehow, the video doesn't manage to do even them justice. Have you ever seen the video for that really shitty song "Last Resort" by Papa Roach? It's practically the same thing...very unoriginal and uninspired.
Howdy folks.

Since we're in the realm of opinion, which are not only irrelivant and therefore "useless to argue" (yet fun nonetheless) I'll add mine.

I like System. I don't really take them seriously, and don't hold them to be any kind of pinnacle of art, but I enjoy listening to their songs nonetheless. I think Serj Tankians's vocals are unique, and whether the structure is original or not (I don't have too much understanding of time signatures and the like, and therefore really don't care) I think their style is. They sound nothing like nu-metal bands, or really much else for that matter, to me, this is painfully obvious.

As for lyrics, I don't really pay much attention to them usually, but enjoy a few samples from System which I will share:

From "Know":

"I will never feed off the evergreen luster of your heart all because we all live in the valley of the walls when we speak we can peek from the windows of their mouths see the land the women chant as they fly up to the sun"

Which I just enjoy for it's surreality, and

From "The Prison Song":

"Following the rights movements,
you clamped on with your iron fists,
drugs became conveniently available for all the kids"...

"Utilizing drugs to pay for secret wars around the world,
Drugs are now your foreign policy now you police the globe,
I buy my crack, I smack my bitch, right here in Hollywood...
Drug money is used to rig elections and train brutal corporate sponsored dictators around the word"

As far as the band being humerous goes, I concur with this, and I belive it was a Frank ("The Modern Day Composer") Zappa record that asked many years ago "Does Humour Belong in Music?". So, yes, I enjoy their sense of humour, and feel it is appropriate.

Ta ta.
Oyo, it is wrong, weird, wrong! I find the contraptions constructed for women highly amusing! "Not meant to be worn without cover!" :lol:
I play Russian roulette everyday, a man's sport,
With a bullet called life, yeah called life, sugar

I sit, in my desolate room, no lights, no music,
Just anger, I've killed everyone,
I'm away forever, but I'm feeling better,
How do I feel, What do I say,
Fuck you, it all goes away!
I promised myself that I won't be doing this, but I just can't help it. SOAD and ALL OTHER nu metal bands should not even be considered music. I think all of them are a disgrace to metal (if you can call them that at all).
I don't understand how somebody who listens to Opeth can at the same time praise a band such as soad.
And don't even start lecturing me about my "closed mindedness" and immaturity, because the truth is you don't know if I am immature or open minded, all you know is that I hate nu metal, and that, my friends, proves only that I have a better taste in music.
So from now on when you feel the urge to pollute this board with such filth as system of a down, I implore you not to do that. Instead you can go back to watching Mtv, and stop wasting my time. Thank You.
Originally posted by Despot
And don't even start lecturing me about my "closed mindedness" and immaturity, because the truth is you don't know if I am immature or open minded, all you know is that I hate nu metal, and that, my friends, proves only that I have a better taste in music.

That last line there pretty much proves you are immature with out really needing anyone to elaborate and lecture you on it.