SyX - Filling the appatite.

Mr. Shred-ididle

Its Chinese-Tilt ya' head
Jan 25, 2003
This is a cool idea.

In the period between "Twilite in Olympus" to "V", the released "Prelude to the Millenium"

And in the period between "V" and "The Odyssey", they released "Live on the Edge of Forever"

And in the period between "The Odyssey" and the next proper album, they're going to release the re-release of the dubue.

But Mabey in the period between the next proper album and the one after that, They might release a dvd???

So here is a chart

"Tio"-----<Prelude to the Millenium>-------"V"
"V"-------<Live on the edge of forever>------"the Odessey"
''The Oddesey"------<re-release of debue>-----"next proper album"
"next album"---------<DVD!!!!>--------"album after that"

Isn't this a good idea.
Hmm... Yeah, could be an idea.. And if the guys aren't familiar with this themselves, someone should damn well show them! :D
theodyssey said:
You can sleep when you're dead!!!
