Which album to get next?


New Metal Member
Oct 24, 2008
Hello all, new to this board, relatively new to SX.

I'm trying to figure out which album to get next. I bought them in this order:

1. The Odyssey
2. Paradise Lost
3. The Divine Wings of Tragedy

I love The Odyssey, and like the other two. I want to buy another album from the Amazon MP3 store, but not sure which. They don't have all of them, unfortunately.

They have:

1. Twilight in Olympus
2. The Damnation Game
3. Symphony X
4. Live on the edge of forever (not really a candidate at this point)

It looks like V is one of the most popular albums, but Amazon doesn't have it. No idea why.

Which should I get next?
Amazon really doesn't have V?
I'd say track down V on a different website, and pick up either Twilight or Damnation game. The self titled is definitely "Get it for the sake of getting it".
Twilight in Olympus and Damnation Game are both really good IMO, but I reckon you might like Twilight in Olympus a bit more (I think I do to, perhaps). I'd start there, then get The Damnation Game, and then the live one (which I really like). The self-titled debut really isn't very good at all in my opinion, and I think there are only a handful of people here that would disagree with me. I'd at least preview it before buying.

All that said, what you should REALLY do is take Harris' advice and just find V. Amazon does have physical copies.
Twilight is a great, underrated album that tends to get overshadowed by Divine Wings. The songwriting is similar to Divine Wings. However, most on here will agree that V is the band's strongest and most consistent album; do your best to find it! After these two, go for Damnation Game, the live album, and the self-titled, in that order. You really have to be a die-hard fan of the band to get through the self-titled; the vocals are a bit hard to take at times.
Twilight is a great, underrated album that tends to get overshadowed by Divine Wings. The songwriting is similar to Divine Wings. However, most on here will agree that V is the band's strongest and most consistent album; do your best to find it! After these two, go for Damnation Game, the live album, and the self-titled, in that order. You really have to be a die-hard fan of the band to get through the self-titled; the vocals are a bit hard to take at times.

You really have to be a die-hard fan of the band to get through the self-titled; the vocals are a bit hard to take at times.
If you can get through the production and vocals, I kinda think some of the songs are pretty cool. Raging Seasons, Absinthe and Rue, A Lesson Before Dying, ehh.... Yeah, I guess those are the only ones that I can really listen to off that album at all.
V's on Amazon... US version of Amazon at least

just get V damnation game and twilight at the same time and save yourself some shipping moneyz, you are gonna order them later anyway