Order in which you Bought Symphony X CDs?

1. V
2. Live on the Edge of Forever
3. The Divine Wings of Tragedy
4. The Odyssey

I'm pretty poor so I don't have all their CDs but I've listened to them since V came out. After the Star One DVD I'm saving up for Damnation Game because the song "Edge of Forever" is FANTASTIC. :rock:
1. Self-titled
2. Divine Wings of Tragedy
3. Damnation Game
4. Twilight in Olympus
5. V
6. The Odyssey

I started when the first one came out, and have gone MOSTLY in order on the rest.
Prismatic Sphere said:
1. The Damnation Game
2. The Divine Wings Of Tragedy
3. Twilight In Olympus
4. V
5. Live On The Edge Of Forever
6. Prelude To The Millennium
7. Symphony X
8. The Odyssey

Don't tell me I'm the only one who has all 8.!!:eek:

You don't have them all. You are missing Live in Olympus!
BastrdDrmr said:
Live in Olympus!

1. V (it was the only one available in stores at the time)
2. Divine Wings of Tragedy
3. The Odyssey
4. Twilight in Olympus
5. Damnation Game

...I have yet to get the others
First was V. Then I wanted DWoT but the guy I got it from lets ppl borrow that he "trusts" and the case had the TiO cd in it. So I went back and got the case for TiO and it became my second. I had to buy DWoT at an actual music store next. Then I got the Odyssey because I had been anticipating it for awhile. I waited for a long time to get it but I just recently got Damnation Game. I never cared to get the original SX cd cause from the songs I have on my computer it doesnt sound too great because the singer is not Allen and the recording and production is not too good since it was their first album. Some people refer to it as a "demo" cd. The cool thing is I just read on the SX site that after thier tour with Stratovarious they are re-recording the first album! Cool, the recording and sound will be much better and it will have Allen, LePond, and Rullo playing instead.
1. The Dark Chapter
2. Divine Wings Of Tragedy
3. Live On The Edge Of Forever
4. V

Will get Odyssey this week. Heard Damnation, didn't do it for me. Should I give Twighlight in Olympus a miss too?