Order in which you Bought Symphony X CDs?

Twilight in Olympus defintely should not be missed
It's a very essential symphony X record, and it has some of their best songs, like Smoke and Mirrors, Church of the Machine, Orion - The hunter etc. it's awesome
1) Divine Wings (Got it free at work. They sent it to the A&R department of my company and the guy didn't really know metal, so he asked me to listen and see if it was any good. Any good? It's probably my favorite album of all time now!)
2) Twilight in Olympus
3) Damnation Game & Self Titled (ordered them together)
4) V (Also got this one free as a promo disc in the carboard sleeve. I'd like to have the CD case with the booklet, but...)
5) The Odyssey

I want to get the live album sometime, but just haven't gotten around to it. Maybe someday.
Divine Wings of Tragedy IMO, is their best album, simply because
of all the great riffs and dynamic soloing romeo does. It's one of the
more talented guitar Symphony X cds, but it also has EXCELLENT songwriting, Sea of Lies is arguably their best song. I really like the
atmosphere too, like with The Accolade and Candlelight Fantasia.