

Jul 2, 2003
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We have a trashmetal-band from Faeroe Islands, which is where I'm from, called Týr.
They deal a lot with nordic mythology and traditional lyrics/ballads about hero's and vikings, called "kvæði" on faeroese ("kvad" on danish).
They did a song called "Ormurin Langi"(The biggest viking ship ever built) about king Olav who lost Norway in a great battle. IMO the song is kickass, the live version is better though. They sing on faeroese in that song, which adds a lot to the viking feeling. On any other song they sing english.

So, I was wondering, does anyone ,besides me, know of them?
And does anyone care? my msn is mardypeking@msn.com if anyone wants the live version of Ormurin Langi, which IMO is very good.

band site:

mp3's from their first album:

new album:

Song recommendations: The Edge, Ormurin Lagni, Sign of the hammer
Another thing; if you take the wrong song, you will hate it, unless you love Manowar. Be sure to get the song "the Edge" first, and another thing, they're not totally trash, more like power/trashy in that direction, and they DO NOT have the same stupid image like manowar do.
I've been listening to Ormurin Langi for a really long time, that's a killer song. too bad i can't understand what the lyrics are talking about..... heh heh........
Hails!!! I've been trying to get a hold of something by this band since a couple of weeks ago...a friend of mine who's living on Iceland told me about them, apparently they're pretty popular up there. :cool:

Just checked out their mp3's, great stuff!!!
"The Edge" is a very good song, IMO. Is there rest of the album cool as well?

Hey MardyAss; would you care to translate the Faeroese-sung part in "The Edge"?? I´d really like to know what they´re singing about!

(I mean this part:
"Eggin tykist mær bert ein gátt, sorgin skipar lagnutáttin
Sjálvur yrkti eg niðurlag, frítt er Eystfellið frá at fara
Brátt er vísan øll og tøgn, hoyrdist tá ið kalda lagnan
Leiddi teir í Runsival, meg bert niðan á hægsta valaknúk")
Yes I can, and here's what I got
(Note, it was pretty difficult to translate it cleanly, so its not 100% precise, but the meaning is the same)

The edge (of the mountain) seems to me be "homelike", the sorrow steers the destiny

"Eggin tykist mær bert ein gátt, sorgin skipar lagnutáttin"
The edge (of the mountain) seems to me be "homelike", the sorrow controls/steers the destiny

Sjálvur yrkti eg niðurlag, frítt er Eystfellið frá at fara
I chose the defeat myself, one is free to go from Eystefelli( a place in faeroe islands, in short terms the sentence means "we are free to go"

Brátt er vísan øll og tøgn, hoyrdist tá ið kalda lagnan
As soon as the ballad/suddenly the ballad is silent, the cold destiny is heard

Leiddi teir í Runsival, meg bert niðan á hægsta valaknúk")
Hand in hand in the Runsival(A faeroese folk ballad, the sentence means that the people were holding hands while singing), I go to up to the highest mountainclod.

Again, its not 100%, but you get the idea, I guess...

I had never heard of the Faroe islands until a couple years ago. My brother had a small black metal band called theatre of cruelty going (hadn't even recorded a track yet) in the northeastern united states and their web site started getting hits from the islands. I think they were more popular on the Faroe Islands (which I hadn't heard of before then) than they were even in their home town. Strange.
I've got How Far to Asgard for a couple weeks now and must say it's quite original and interesting, very 'nordisk' so to say.. Although it would have been even better if more Faroese has been used..

I got Eric the Red -promoCD yesterday and I'm going to make a review of it, though it'll be in Finnish..

Btw.. The chain dance after 10 minutes silence after the last song in How Far to Asgard was very nice surprise, as a folkmusician myself, I liked it very much, and Ormurin Langi was also great! :)
MardyAss said:
Yes I can, and here's what I got
(Note, it was pretty difficult to translate it cleanly, so its not 100% precise, but the meaning is the same)

The edge (of the mountain) seems to me be "homelike", the sorrow steers the destiny

"Eggin tykist mær bert ein gátt, sorgin skipar lagnutáttin"
The edge (of the mountain) seems to me be "homelike", the sorrow controls/steers the destiny

Sjálvur yrkti eg niðurlag, frítt er Eystfellið frá at fara
I chose the defeat myself, one is free to go from Eystefelli( a place in faeroe islands, in short terms the sentence means "we are free to go"

Brátt er vísan øll og tøgn, hoyrdist tá ið kalda lagnan
As soon as the ballad/suddenly the ballad is silent, the cold destiny is heard

Leiddi teir í Runsival, meg bert niðan á hægsta valaknúk")
Hand in hand in the Runsival(A faeroese folk ballad, the sentence means that the people were holding hands while singing), I go to up to the highest mountainclod.

Again, its not 100%, but you get the idea, I guess...


Well, I've got the official translation now, if someone is interested.

"The edge seems but a treshold to me
Sadness leads the song of destiny
I wrote the chorus myself, beautiful is mount
Eystfelli as I leave
Soon the ballad will be over and silence fall
as was heard when cold destiny
led them to Runceval, me only upon
the highest of the Great Hills"

If interested, I have got the full album ready to share, just contact me on MSN