

Jul 2, 2003
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We have a trashmetal-band from Faeroe Islands, which is where I'm from, called Týr.
They deal a lot with nordic mythology and traditional lyrics/ballads about hero's and vikings, called "kvæði" on faeroese ("kvad" on danish).
They did a song called "Ormurin Langi"(The biggest viking ship ever built) about king Olav who lost Norway in a great battle. IMO the song is kickass, the live version is better though. They sing on faeroese in that song, which adds a lot to the viking feeling. On any other song they sing english.

So, I was wondering, does anyone ,besides me, know of them?
And does anyone care? my msn is mardypeking@msn.com if anyone wants the live version of Ormurin Langi, which IMO is very good.

band site:

mp3's from their first album:

new album:

song recommendations:
The Edge, Ormurin Langi, Sign of the Hammer (sounds like Manowar lol)
Another thing; if you take the wrong song, you will hate it, unless you love Manowar. Be sure to get the song "the Edge" first, and another thing, they're not totally trash, more like power/trashy in that direction, and they DO NOT have the same stupid image like Manowar do.
These guys are way beyond Manowar...god I hate Manowar.
I think it is very fascinating that you are from the Faroe Islands.

Those islands still speak the old norse vernacular right?- like the closest language to that spoken by the vikings.

Another thing, Ive heard the Faroe Islands have lots of problems with the whale trade- and some ritualistic hunt for whales- is this right?

And just what do you guys eat in that desolate part of the world besides fish?
speed said:
I think it is very fascinating that you are from the Faroe Islands.

Those islands still speak the old norse vernacular right?- like the closest language to that spoken by the vikings.

Another thing, Ive heard the Faroe Islands have lots of problems with the whale trade- and some ritualistic hunt for whales- is this right?

And just what do you guys eat in that desolate part of the world besides fish?

Yeh, we speak a language very close to the old viking one; together with Iceland we are the closest you can get, I think.

Yerh, problems with the whale trade; Greenpeace, angry I-love-animals-YEAR-people etc.
The whalehunt is kinda ritualistic you say, nothing can move a faeroese more when they hear the news "GRIND!" which means whalemeat on faeroese. They throw anything away, even little babies lol, and run for it.
Then they jump on a little boat and sail out to the whales and stab them to death. YEAR :kickass:

Of the more 'ritualistic' food, we eat good ol' fish and sheep.

Now, download the song "The Edge" by Týr!!!
I´ve got both TYR albums of which only the debut I´ve heard so far and don´t think they´ve got any Thrash in them. Maybe on "Eric The Red" there is some Thrash moments ? I only recently got that one. They´re more like a unique combination of Progressive, Epic, Heavy, Rock and Doom Metal with a heavy focus on the Doom and Epic parts. I think they´re awesome !
Well, youre right about the trash thingie; they're more epic/power/prog metal.
They list dream theater and such as their influences as well.