

Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
...what´s the problem with sending you PMs?

Anyway what I wanted to reply was...

Yeah, I think there´s more things which we don´t have clue about and it´s gonna eventually lighten up-all these rumors and shit, it probably has something in common. I have no problem with anyone.

Cool you like our lyrics and songs, most of them are gonna be found on the first record which will be out I hope around April. We still have to record lead guitars and mix and master the whole thing up, I think it´s gonna kick ass! Hate is actually pretty old song, we wrote it like 8 years ago? But it´s gonna be there as well. And yeah, the style background is pretty much the same. I gotta get the guys of my band to check out your songs, guess they´ll like it!

Seeya! J.
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Damnit what did I miss? I am gone from the forum for a couple of days and TMan gets banned wtf? Can somebody fill me in on what happened

Hey Steve I´d like to fill you in. TMan got bored or something and he posted this :yow:fuckup bigeyed face on every forum, which pissed Deron off and TMan got banned. Which is weird because I can´t see it hurt anybody. There are too many assholes on forums I post on, giving anybody else a hard time and stuff, it kinda sucks just like this board might suck without the dudes like TMan, Old school headbanger...maybe we should start a fuckin petition?:headbang:
You are kidding me. He got banned for 30 days. What a fucken piece of shit Denron is.

Hey Denron you fucken bitch faggot. Ban me too asshole. You are a worthless piece of shit Denron.

PS what the fuck type of name is Denron anyways.

johnnieCzech said:
Hey Steve I´d like to fill you in. TMan got bored or something and he posted this :yow:fuckup bigeyed face on every forum, which pissed Deron off and TMan got banned. Which is weird because I can´t see it hurt anybody. There are too many assholes on forums I post on, giving anybody else a hard time and stuff, it kinda sucks just like this board might suck without the dudes like TMan, Old school headbanger...maybe we should start a fuckin petition?:headbang:
muffytheVampirelayer said:
You are kidding me. He got banned for 30 days. What a fucken piece of shit Denron is.

Hey Denron you fucken bitch faggot. Ban me too asshole. You are a worthless piece of shit Denron.

PS what the fuck type of name is Denron anyways.
You sounded pretty retarded on that one
SOme news from T-Man personally:
He is banned for 30 days, so if everything´s ok he´s back in less than a month.
Deron was actually cool to him coz the other moderators wanted him to be banned permanently.
It´s a "punishment" coz bands pay to be on ultimatemetal board and don´t want to be bothered with this shit :yow: probably...(I still think it didn´t hurt anyone)
so stay calm guys.
Tman was cool and I explained everything. It would be different if it were only a few but he did over 200 posts like that in total. I have no problem in general with Tman and he was very cool about it.