T1 mutha fuckahs

epic. T1 is freaking sweet. I remember years ago being excited to go to work with my Dad because they had T1 and I could surf at high speeds.
wow, 1.5 was the best they could offer for a business line?!? :OMG:

um, you're gonna hate me but...

this is with time warner, and on their residential lines. I cant believe a business line couldnt get you something faster. i've got some tough decisions soon though, as i'm considering dropping time warner if they drop my Fox channels starting tomorrow. the only TV i really watch is sports, and the 4 Fox channels they might drop carry most of the football i get and my Lakers. dont know what to do if they dont resolve the dispute. but yea, i switched from AT&T a few years ago cuz they couldnt match the speed TWC offered.
yea, the whole cable/telephone/internet system is so fucked up. anti-trust and all that jazz just gets thrown out the window. they keep letting these companies buy each other up and merge, then years later break them up again... then the cycle starts all over. its ridiculous, i'm in LA and you have 2 choices, AT&T and TWC. thats it. No verizon, no comcast, etc. i hate that shit. competition is ALWAYS better for the consumer... but whatever, consumers dont matter. only the bottom line.
Congrats, that is killer!!!

T1 is still superior to any type of residential service because it has a better ping rating and less latency (on average.) Consistency is what matters, more than bandwidth, which is why Firewire will always be superior to USB for example.

Make use of a third party DNS service such as OpenDNS or Google DNS and watch your ping rating improve even more (both DNS services I mentioned are free and killer!) Verizon's DNS servers are particularly sucky, which is why I switched to a third party DNS service (OpenDNS in my case.)

Here's my ordinary Verizon residential DSL, the best and only option in my area:

Agree with Kazrog regarding latency and consistency. Could you elaborate on how to set-up a third party DNS service? It's been a long time since I took that networking course.

Here is one of the best plans currently available in Oz. Prior to this you don't even want to know what kind of speeds were going on.

Comes with a complimentary monthly download cap of 160GB at the splendid rate of $70 per month.
+1 to what Shane said.

T1 will have you out to the Internet backbone in as little as 3-4 hops. DSL and Cable, maybe 15-20 if you're lucky? Just trying to hit servers that I know are less than 50mi from me on my Comcast cable modem here in MA have my traffic headed from my city to one 30 miles away, then back to my city, then to Connecticut, then to New York, then finally to Boston.

There's plenty of reasons businesses with 50-100 users still rock a T1 line for their access instead of a cable modem or DSL. Speed isn't everything, especially when you're down for a week solid with no recourse other than "um sorry, reboot your modem and call us back *click*"

Good GOD!

What the heel is that shit? The site says that it's well below my ISP's average. Like a tenth of it.
What can I check or do to improve the connection? This is suppose to be DSL....


Congrats James!