T3 Sucked My Bubble Gum Bag!

shadow walker

Sep 11, 2003
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this movie was crap! the story twisted for the worst. same lame lines. the stripper scene was so gay! way gay! and im sorry, that TX was as ghetto as ghetto gets!
Come on , growing tits? wow! struglin!
such a great movie twisted to this, arrrgh! im sick over it.
Who's the next terminator......RON JEREMY? and his weapon of choice would be........... hahaha!
maybe if they casted Keyser for the TX role it might have been better but in order to get her in charecter they would have to pay Bruce Campbell to be on set while i kicked the living dog piss out of him.....but then again the only thing getting terminated would have been me so cut!!
shadow walker said:
this movie was crap! the story twisted for the worst. same lame lines. the stripper scene was so gay! way gay!
It was supposed to be gay! "Talk to the hand!" :grin:

and im sorry, that TX was as ghetto as ghetto gets!
Come on , growing tits? wow! struglin!
Trust me, someone is working on a way to do that right now. A fortune could be made. And, there's nothing wrong with ghetto booty. As Undercover Brother once said, "The darker the berry, the sweeter the juice."

great movie twisted to this, arrrgh! im sick over it.
You need to get out more, then.
T3 is also a great DVD to try out on your sound system. If you have a digital receiver the 5.1 mix is one of the better ones I've heard. The picture also looks killer. :cool:
I liked it. Ya the growing tits were kinda dumb. IN some ways it was better that #2. #2 had kick ass music though and I am not really a G& r fan but it fit well in #2. The ending I thought was really killer and it shocked me. I woudl like to see a #4 to see more special effects and the resistance. but I am not sure they could portray all that to our desires. anyway I give it an 8 out 10.