tab regarding Shadows fall- This Is my own


Arbeit Macht Fleisch
Nov 3, 2005
Can anyone tab out Shadows fall - This Is My own, I've looked everywhere for it, and I cant seem to tab it myself. So please can someone tab it. I only need from 3:16 To the end. please and thanks
there isnt -Shit meaning there isnt Good tabs.. didnt you notice there was 8 NOOB!, and about 3 of them are the same.. @shapeup, Fuck you asshole they kick your ass.
They're not as good as COB. COB fuck them in their arse. Although Laiho likes 'em (at least he says so). They are ok but Donais' solos sound like shit. Everyone can play solos like his. If you want some true solos from an american band, listen to fucking Nevermore \m/. Now THAT band kicks YOUR ass dude! Listen to 'em and then come here and talk about ass kicking bands. And if you weren't a fag, you would accept someone else's opinion or disliking of this band. And SF are metalcore. They're not even metal. About the tab... I'll see what I can do. If I'm not too lazy...