TAB Thread.


You're not the only one. I had the same problems with this damn rythm in my Blooddrunk video. One time I got it but then I played 3 triplets, 5, 2, 3, 100,... it's weird thing.


The "p" means Pull-off
The "h" means Hammer-on.

Do you men this?

(without hammer and pull)
I'm suprised anyone could think it was a 1-2-1 pattern as opposed to a 2-1-2 pattern, you can even hear it.

I always split audio/video recordings to tab, so if anyone wants to hear something without the other guitar (they need to be panned, not centered) then I can do that to make tabbing easier for someone or if anyone just wants to hear.

But fuck off asking just for the sake of it, it's a boring job. :mad:

lol, nice comparison ^^
btw what program did u use to seperate the audio file into 2 tracks and slow it down, if i may ask? :)

It's Nero CD burner thingy. It's got an audio editor in there.
Mitch, if you don't mind my asking, what have you modded on your J2SP?

Aside from the sticker, which gets you assaulted by many an annoying question, anyway.

EDIT: Nevermind, I found the video on your youtube channel that explains the whole thing. :p

How do you like the JE-1200, though?

EDIT2: Oh, and how do you like the Korg? I wasn't sure if I should go for that or the Toneport. Obviously you can record with them, but can you play them through your speakers or just headphones?
Here is the beginning of meat mincing machine. Is that even close? If someone don't know, the band is Stone :)

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Sorry to practically double post, but I just wanted to say that after scouring youtube, I actually found some good examples of both, though I definitely would want to know what each of you think of them. Mitch using the Korg and Ensi the Toneport.

Honestly, I found a clip of a Korg PX4d demo that really sold me, what with all the amazing features. Like the drum loops, phrase chains, and crazy effects, not to mention decent tone. But then, just for kicks, I went and watched some of Ensi's videos again. And I actually liked his tone better, though I don't know how it compares in terms of effects and features like I just mentioned with the Korg, or how versatile the tone. And, to be fair, I am judging this all purely on youtube clips. So accuracy may be skewed one way or another based on other circumstances.

EDIT: I need to pay more attention, Ensi used his Behringer on at least some of his clips. But after watching all of them, and assuming at least one or two of them had to be direct-in, I still think I might like it more. But what I said above still stands.
I have both, the PX4D and the Toneport UX-2.

They are different things: The Toneport is an external recording soundcard made for recording. The sound comes from a program called "Gearbox" which uses the same sounds as the Line6POD, you can even upgrade it with its packages like Metalshop etc.

If you want to record with the PX4D, you'll need a soundcard which is suitable for recording. I forgot Mitch's setup, but I think that he doesn't have a pro soundcard. Keep in mind that he tweaked the sounds to fit to his guitar and setup, that's basically why he sounds so good (plus good playing). I remember that he told us his presets for the PX4D, they sounded shit with my guitar and recording setup.

Both, Gearbox and PX4D sound good, but I like Gearbox' metalsounds more. And the community among Line6 users is very good if you want to download new tones.

What do you mean if they can be played through speakers? Guitar cabs? Or hifi player?

I like the Toneport much more for PC recording, everything is easy and sounds decent. But I don't want to sit in front of my notebook all the time (although I do it anyway). The Toneport is useless without a PC. You can carry the PX4D wherever you want, it's handy and has everything you need to practice: Jam function, Metronome, drum patterns which can be edited (but only very primitve). Keep in mind that the recorded stuff will be erased when you turn it off.

Both aren't made for playing on stage... you'd be better off there with a POD or a Korg Toneworks multi FX.

All in all: I use both on different occasions. Toneport - good for easy recording. PX4D - awesome for practicing or playing at your girlfriend's place with headphones on.

EDIT: Sorry for the extremely unstructured post. :lol:
EDIT2: Steve Vai recorded "Feathers" with the PXR4, which is the same as the PX4D plus recording function afaik:

By the way, the new PX5D is an external soundcard like the Toneport AND has the typical Korg sounds. And it can still be carried around.
Wow, thank you, so much.

Unfortunately, while that greatly informed me, I'm still pretty torn. Because on one hand, the main thing I want right now is just something I can record with straight to my laptop (and only computer, a Macbook Pro) with as good of tone as possible, but on the other, this is all partly due to the fact that my current living situation means I can't have a real amp (or at least anything more than a tiny practice one, which would be a waste to me). So in that sense, the Korg would be extremely useful with those features, since that would make practicing by myself much easier and more fun. Not to mention I could use it on the go like you said, and as a multi-effects.

And I meant computer speakers, for this reason. Though it wouldn't matter all that much either way, as I could always just use headphones.
Here is the beginning of meat mincing machine. Is that even close? If someone don't know, the band is Stone :)

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It's pretty close I think. Here is what I have for it: