Table Top Role Playing


Active Member
Apr 2, 2018
does anyone other than @Krigloch the Furious play D&D/Pathfinder or any other tabletop roleplaying games??

i've played D&D 3.5 and 4th and 5th
i've played Pathfinder
i've played Robotech
i've played mutants and masterminds
and a bunch of the really old superhero role-playing games
i've played Star Wars
i really love Shadowrun 5th edition
i can't believe nobody responded to this thread yet
kinda expected to have somebody (multiple people, maybe) post here just to write "no, i don't play table-top RPGs"
i like how the Star Wars system has rules concerning low ability score numbers for the player-characters where the player-characters will have slightly higher ability scores than random-villager-NPCs