Allright, I guess it's been long enough...the tabulature competition that time forgot is coming to an end.
I'm pleased to say that many people have done an impressive amount of work, and it will be cool to have a tab section on our site with YOUR tab soon.
Thanks guys!
I've sent mail to all the participants whose mail I could find in our overpouring mailbox. So IF you haven't received an email about this please inform us immediately! Send the tab again, your name, (street) address, and whether or not you wish to have your tab to be on our website (which by the way will be re-designed soon). Also, if you
don't want to use your real name, state whatever cool(or ridiculous) name you want to have associated with your tab. We'll decide the prizes, and announce the winners in the following days. So, once again: If you didn't get my mail and reply with the information mentioned before, mail us ( immediately, or you WON'T
get a prize even if you deserve one!
Och samma på finska.
Metal up your...
I'm pleased to say that many people have done an impressive amount of work, and it will be cool to have a tab section on our site with YOUR tab soon.
Thanks guys!
I've sent mail to all the participants whose mail I could find in our overpouring mailbox. So IF you haven't received an email about this please inform us immediately! Send the tab again, your name, (street) address, and whether or not you wish to have your tab to be on our website (which by the way will be re-designed soon). Also, if you
don't want to use your real name, state whatever cool(or ridiculous) name you want to have associated with your tab. We'll decide the prizes, and announce the winners in the following days. So, once again: If you didn't get my mail and reply with the information mentioned before, mail us ( immediately, or you WON'T
get a prize even if you deserve one!
Och samma på finska.
Metal up your...