Taking "fanboy" to a new level.


Metal Otaku
Aug 1, 2002
Daytona Beach, FL
Okay, so the other day I sold off my Ibanez RG 7 string(mainly because B just sounds wrong to me overall, and I was never comfortable playing it), and I was looking for another guitar. I emailed someone on a classified about an Ibanez S (listed as "Ibanez S Custom Made with IBZUSA pickups"), not knowing what it was, but hoping it was decent. I then forgot completely about it.

Of course, almost 12 hours later he emails me back with a serial number prefix and photos. And it's one of those guitars that I've wanted almost since I started playing, an S540LTD in black:


Remind anyone of anything? I immediately bought it, I was almost sending the guy payment before he could get the shipping calculated. lol :headbang:

Now we come to the problem. I'm an RG guy, I have 2 older RG750s, and I'm used to picking out pickups for a Basswood guitar. To make matters worse, I was the guy everyone asked what to put in their guitars as far as Dimarzios go when I worked as a tech, so I'm REALLY stuck. I don't know what to put in this. Is the S mohagany body thick sounding? Or does the thin-ness cut down on this? Anyone have one of these?

X2N? Super Distortion? Evolution? Steve's Special(even though I like middy pickups)? Tone Zone?

Gah. I don't know what to put in this. The neck pickup will be an AirNorton for sure, just this whole bridge pickup thing is driving me nuts. I plan to tune the guitar to D, set it up, and leave it there, so I need something tight but not thin. lol

Anyone have any ideas? No EMGs though, too pricy and I don't really care for them.

PS I talked to James over AIM this morning,:worship: and I think I might've made a fool outta myself, sorta like a little kid meeting their hero. I was so stunned I completely forgot to ask him any of the things I've always wanted to know about his work. I can be such a moron sometimes.:loco: Though it's probably a good thing I didn't bring this whole stupid pickup thing up. :p

Alright, time for sleep before I do anything worse. :dopey:
when i first got my S540LTD back in 92 i had a DiMarzio Super Distortion put in the bridge position. i used that guitar with that pick-up to record my solos on the Disincarnate album one year later... the neck pick-up remained the stock one that i got it with. for the rhythms on that album i used a Gibson Flying V with an EMG 85 in the bridge spot. later after i was in testament, i had an 85 put in the bridge of my S540STD and an 89 in the neck position, which is the same as an 85 but with a coil tap that is engaged by a push/pull pot.

i really like that pick-up combination.. 85 - bridge / 89 - neck. i often have people raise their eyebrows and say, "but the 85 is a neck pos. pick-up"... not true. it's just a pick-up and is not specified as either a neck or bridge position pick-up by EMG. to my ears the 85 is thicker and warmer and the 81 sounds very "hollow". i've been using an 85 in the neck position since '92 when Colin Richardson and i tried it out in search of the Disincarnate rhythm tone.

a couple current notable guys using the 85 in the bridge position are my friends Jon D. of Shadows Fall and Joel S. of Killswitch Engage.

hope that helps!
James Murphy said:
when i first got my S540LTD back in 92 i had a DiMarzio Super Distortion put in the bridge position. i used that guitar with that pick-up to record my solos on the Disincarnate album one year later... the neck pick-up remained the stock one that i got it with. for the rhythms on that album i used a Gibson Flying V with an EMG 85 in the bridge spot. later after i was in testament, i had an 85 put in the bridge of my S540STD and an 89 in the neck position, which is the same as an 85 but with a coil tap that is engaged by a push/pull pot.

i really like that pick-up combination.. 85 - bridge / 89 - neck. i often have people raise their eyebrows and say, "but the 85 is a neck pos. pick-up"... not true. it's just a pick-up and is not specified as either a neck or bridge position pick-up by EMG. to my ears the 85 is thicker and warmer and the 81 sounds very "hollow". i've been using an 85 in the neck position since '92 when Colin Richardson and i tried it out in search of the Disincarnate rhythm tone.

a couple current notable guys using the 85 in the bridge position are my friends Jon D. of Shadows Fall and Joel S. of Killswitch Engage.

hope that helps!
*Mental Note* Buy S540LTD and install an EMG 85 in the bridge.

Why does it not surprise me that you're friends with Jon of Shadow's Fall, James? Besides Matt playing an S-series, their band is named after your song isn't it? lol :headbang:

Thanks for the info.:worship: So now I'll have to find some reasonablly priced 85s. :) Heh, pickup advice from the man himself, killer. :worship:
Cool. :) It really is a nice guitar, a little chunkier sounding than my RGs, even though it feels like there's no guitar there. :)

It really really sucks that someone nabbed yours James. :( Bet those Caparisons are sweet though. :) Any hope of a James Murphy Sig Caparison? I always felt that Ibanez needed to give you a sig model S, even though the Gambale model was around. :D