Tampa, GA?

Of course it is Tpa, Fl do you know any other Tpa? besides Tempe, Texas. Tempe, TX is a solid mexican outpost. For your own info Tampa is old indian language (Seminole?) and means "Sticks of Fire", no wonder Tpa is the world capital for lightning strikes, gotta hate this warm humid weather and the 95 temperature we are getting right now and it ain't even august yet. Aahhh too bad you had to learn this piece of history from an euro living in Tpa. :D
Well, I had assumed it was just a misprint on the "upcoming shows" listing. I just wanted to make sure. Any idea where to get tickets from? Belgar, did you say that Tampa is just like an hour away from orlando?
I might see you there, assuming you're going to the show on Oct 30. And yes, the humidity and heat is terrible in Fl. I hate it and can't wait to head back up north. Just seven more months of this place....if i don't smash my head with mjollnir, first.....
The only way to get from middle earth to Tampa is on a long ship, of course....i have it pulled ashore just a mile away from Bifrost....