tape traders needed


New Metal Member
Jan 16, 2002
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part of my music collection is now missing and i can't afford to replace them right now. looking to trade dubbed tapes or i'll pay for tapes and shipping. here's a list of some of the stuff now missing:

Dissection - Into Infinite Obscurity
Dismember - demos
Whiplash - Power and Pain
Venom - Possessed
Tormentor - Anno Domini
Razor - Armed and Dangerous
Katatonia - Jhva Elohim Meth
Paradise Lost - demos

any help would be appreciated. e-mail me at slayer85@slayerized.com. if anyone needs anything recorded in return, if i have it, no problem. i have lots of black, thrash & death, etc.

also, someone recommended Dark Tranquility. never heard this. maybe someone can toss some of that my way as well.
