Tascam US-2400 USB Control Surface


I Prefer EL-34s. So What?
Feb 21, 2006

Been trying to sell this for a while now, got a few bites a while back but no one committed.

It's in great shape, and clean. The faders all move as should and all buttons/knobs work.

I've been using it with a Windows 7 machine and Reaper x64, and it works great. (minus a few quirks, but its a DAW specific thing). You'll have to make sure it works with your DAW before you buy, that's not my problem. last I heard, everyone gets it to work, you just need to know what you are doing. Tons of info online.

Now $800 plus shipping. Need it gone before I leave for Afghanistan, no sense in it sitting dormant.

Edit- I always forget to mention: PayPal only, and I don't ship until the money clears out of PayPal into my bank.
OMFG wish I had the money. FUCK. Can't believe you are selling it though man!
It's one of those things that I love but can't justify owning, since all I do is record myself noodling around on guitar.
does this work with pro tools? i'm gonna do some research on this unit as ive never heard anything about it but this has definitely caught my attention and i may grab it if it suits my needs.
does this work with pro tools? i'm gonna do some research on this unit as ive never heard anything about it but this has definitely caught my attention and i may grab it if it suits my needs.

Yes it does, using certain emulation modes. Check on some dedicated protools forums and I'm sure you'll find a ton of info on what people do to get everything working.
Had mine for a few years, works super easy in Pro Tools, although I don't think you can use knobs to edit plug-in parameters.

Yep, can't get that to work with Reaper either... I think someone did find out how to do it, but god only knows where I read that at...
Honestly, editing plug-in parameters with physical knobs is pretty much the last thing I would ever be concerned about doing with a control surface, the main benefit for me is just having faders, mute/solo buttons, and the transport controls. I use mute and solo most often I'd say, more than the faders for sure actually...
Damn - I wish you were in the UK!
The shipping would probably be horrendous to get it here..
Come on, man! I have to live! Haha. Seriously though, I may try and sell some stuff off because I am pretty interested in this. When are you leaving?

Was supposed to be July 25th. Looks like it's getting pushed back to the end of August though.

So it'll be around for a bit longer.