Tax Question


The Incredible Bulk
Aug 29, 2002
Western Sydney
Has anyone here ever made a work related deduction on their taxes for over $300?

I recently bought a pc and since I do actually work from home sometimes, I figure I can deduct some of the cost (according to the instructions in eTax anyway). My only concern is, it says

"If you have deductions totally below $300, you may need written proof but if you have deductions totally above $300 you will need written proof"

Now I have all the receipts and whatnot, I'm just wondering what will happen if I try to claim more then $300, ie will I get dragged into the ATO to prove it etc etc
Nah, they'll just process it like normal. The only reason you'll get hounded is if you get audited for whatever reason.

As long as you've got your receipts (and can prove that you work from home) she'll be apples.

And don't try to claim 100% of your computer if you're not sure. Just claim 85%, and say that you only play those games you've got installed when you're not working there, which is about 15% of the time :)
Yeah I originally put down the total cost of the pc... but then thought "nah they'd reject it because it's not totally for work". I'll prolly try to claim 50%, since I do work on it most nights for at least a couple of hours (yes, even while posting on here haha)
Last time I got a tax guy to do my Tax, he suggested that as I occasionally did work at home, I should limit it to 10%, but was prepared to put whatever I wanted in it.

Make sure if you paid a guy last year to do your tax, you include THAT this year.

I only use E-Tax these days.
I have the same thing as Todd going on - my computer cost about $1000, so I'm thinking of limiting it to 10% or 15%.

I'm a typist and we do type using a program that runs over the net - so I do have the ability to work at home if I'm sick or whatever. It just hasn't arisen yet. I know it's fairly naughty, but I don't earn much and if I keep my claim on it low I figure I should be fine.

I was talking to a guy we know (at a wake), who has apparently been given a "list", by a tax office insider which shows the various thresh-holds, below which an audit is extremely unlikely.

He does his own tax, and claims 1400km of use of private vehicle (1500 is the limit apparently), x% of a computer, the $150 laundry in spite of not having a set uniform etc. Ends up quite a few thousand deductions a year.

He's not been audited ever.
You should quit your jobs and become programmers. That way it's all about the computer, baby. Printers, blank CDs, cables, thingamy-gigs and whotsits. It's all legit!
phlogiston said:
As long as you've got your receipts (and can prove that you work from home) she'll be apples.

How would you prove you work from home?
Would they have to come into your house and look at work files in your computer or would you have to take it to them?

I got my group certificate today :(
It reminded me I have to do last year's tax as well. Any recommendations for places that do tax? - because I know I'll never get around to doing it myself.