Explanation of taxes?

I'm still getting gen eds at a community college. Business/finance starts at UIC in 08

So then, you don't really love business you're just majoring in it because you think you'll make a lot of money, right?

I say it because people that have love for a subject dive in. When I was in high school there was a kid that went on to be pretty successful, he was running his own pool service business and doing taxes for individuals and businesses back then - because he honestly loved that stuff. I loved music so I was learning Dimebag riffs and stuff. I wasn't like, "Yeah, I'm going to start learning guitar next year," I just picked up a guitar and started trying to copy the music I loved.

I'm sorry if I'm wrong and I insulted you, but if I'm right you're going to be miserable as long as you pursue something that isn't your passion. Something to think about before you waste a bunch of time.
I have no idea what career I am going to go into but I know it will likely be in business/finance (I am good at that and I moderately enjoy it). I am trying not to look too far ahead as there is so much work to be done in the present/near future.
Like if you're in a band, you can take deductions for all kinds of stuff like CDs and even going to other people's shows. You can depreciate the value of your instruments. If the whole band goes out to eat together it's a business meeting. Keep all of your receipts, a good accountant can turn a box full of receipts into money in your pocket.

Just make sure you know what you're doing or that your finances are in the hands of someone who knows. That's a sure-fire audit flag sometimes.